10 Proven Strategies to Boost Your Next.js App Performance

Suraksha Singh
3 min readMay 3, 2023


Next.js is a powerful framework for building server-side rendered (SSR) React applications. However, as your Next.js app grows in size and complexity, you may start to experience performance issues that can impact user experience. In this article, we will explore 10 ways to improve the performance of your Next.js app.

  1. Optimize images:
    Images can be a major factor in slowing down your Next.js app. To optimize images, you can use tools like Next.js’ built-in Image component, which automatically optimizes images for the web. You can also compress images using tools like ImageOptim or TinyPNG to reduce their file size.
  2. Use Static Assets:
    Next.js supports static assets like images, fonts, and videos, which can be served from a CDN. By using a CDN, you can reduce the load on your server and improve the loading speed of your app.
  3. Minimize server-side rendering:
    Server-side rendering (SSR) can be a powerful tool for improving the performance of your Next.js app, but it can also slow down your app if used excessively. To minimize server-side rendering, you can use client-side rendering (CSR) for certain components, or use tools like React.lazy() to lazy-load components.
  4. Use dynamic imports:
    Dynamic imports can be used to lazy-load components, which can reduce the initial load time of your app. Next.js has built-in support for dynamic imports, which you can use to load components on demand.
  5. Optimize your CSS:
    CSS can also impact the performance of your Next.js app. To optimize your CSS, you can use tools like PurgeCSS to remove unused CSS, or minify your CSS using tools like cssnano, Less.
  6. Use Next.js’ built-in optimization features:
    Next.js includes built-in optimization features like Automatic Static Optimization (ASO), which can improve the performance of your app by automatically pre-rendering pages and serving them as static HTML. You can also use features like Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) to incrementally update static pages.
  7. Use efficient data fetching strategies:
    Data fetching can be a major factor in slowing down your Next.js app. To improve data fetching performance, you can use efficient strategies like server-side rendering, client-side rendering, or incremental static regeneration. You can also use tools like SWR to manage data fetching and caching.
  8. Use modern JavaScript features:
    Using modern JavaScript features like arrow functions, const/let, and async/await can improve the performance of your Next.js app by reducing the size of your JavaScript bundle and improving runtime performance.
  9. Optimize your server configuration:
    Optimizing your server configuration can also improve the performance of your Next.js app. You can use tools like Nginx or Apache to configure your server, or use cloud-based services like AWS or Google Cloud.
  10. Monitor and optimize your app:
    Finally, it’s important to monitor and optimize the performance of your Next.js app regularly. You can use tools like Lighthouse or WebPageTest to measure performance metrics like page load time, time to interactive, and first contentful paint. You can also use tools like Next.js Analytics to monitor app performance and identify areas for improvement.


Improving the performance of your Next.js app is an ongoing process. By optimizing images, using static assets, minimizing server-side rendering, using dynamic imports, optimizing your CSS, using Next.js’ built-in optimization features, using efficient data fetching strategies, using modern JavaScript features, optimizing your server configuration, and monitoring and optimizing your app, you can provide a better user experience and improve the performance of your app.

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Suraksha Singh

I am full stack developer with 7+ yrs of experience in FullStack development, and now exploring the data engineering.