3 min readApr 7, 2016

Object Lesson — Easter Egg Surprise


This is an object lesson which fits in well with all the Easter season. To get ready the lesson, get 4 plastic Easter eggs and set these components of them: inside one egg is often a sticker, in the second can be a polished rock, from the third is a piece of cloth, and also the fourth you’ve got a nail. The primary lesson to instruct is God may use you to meet a requirement in a friend’s life as well as the supporting Bible verse is James 1:22.



The apostles were ordinary, everyday guys. I doubt that people saw anything special when passing them in the pub. Outwardly these men didn’t seem special. What caused them to be special was the thing that was with this report; something people couldn’t see. I have got 4 eggs here, each with something inside. Consider each one to see whenever we can evaluate what made them so special and what can make you special too.

(Open the initial egg.) Here we use a sticker. Stickers are bright and colorful so when worn something, they hold fast. Giving a bright, colorful sticker to an individual could be a real encouragement to them which help brighten their day. An authentic friend is someone that sticks by you regardless of what and contains a way of brightening your mood. By the time you can it of Acts, you see the disciples stuck by the other and encouraged the other person.

(Open the next egg.) Here is a rock; however this one isn’t an ordinary one. It’s actually a polished rock. Normally, rocks are rough, but they can be polished making smooth exactly like it. It requires effort and time to shine one, but when it’s done, it may help ensure it is special. An authentic friend is someone who accepts you as you are, but in addition helps you to allow you to better. They certainly that by permitting you know when you are starting to ruin, by encouraging you to do right things, through assisting you to imagine others ahead of yourself. A genuine friend will help polish as well as cause you to in to a better person.

(Open the next egg.) This carries a piece of cloth within it. This reminds me of your cleaning rag which a servant would use. A genuine friend is certainly one who serves others and puts them first. Service starts inside your heart like a need to help others and shows inside your actions. You can serve others when you are kind in their mind, helping them whenever they require help, or saying a good word to them when they are down. The disciples served people often.

(Open the 4th egg.) A nail. Jesus is the best friend you can now have. The Bible states that he is a friend that sticks closer when compared to a brother. But, some wicked men nailed Jesus on the cross to cover our sins. If you have a buddy which doesn’t know Jesus as Savior, their greatest should use is to be saved off their sin. It is possible to help meet that require by letting them know about Jesus. The disciples went all over the place telling people about Jesus.

Exactly what do these four important things have in accordance? They all result from a heart which is in love with Jesus and possesses his love persons. James 1:22 informs us to get doers with the word and never hearers only. If you’re deeply in love with Jesus and also have his love for some individuals, you will end up a doer and then God may use that you meet a need within a friend’s life.