How to Remove Webcord Adware from Your Computer

Full Guide Here

Jonathan Holmes
2 min readApr 16, 2024

Webcord is an aggressive type of adware that displays intrusive ads, redirects web searches, and installs unwanted browser extensions. If your computer is infected with Webcord, follow this step-by-step guide to thoroughly remove it and protect your system.

Step 1: Terminate Malicious Processes with RKill

  • Download RKill (iExplore.exe version) from
  • Run iExplore.exe to terminate malicious processes
  • Do not restart your computer after running RKill

Step 2: Uninstall Malicious Programs

  • Open Windows Settings > Apps & Features
  • Sort programs by install date to identify suspicious recent installs
  • Uninstall any unfamiliar or questionable programs

Step 3: Remove Malicious Browser Policies

  • Open Command Prompt as administrator
  • Run the following commands:
  • RD /S /Q "%WinDir%\System32\GroupPolicyUsers"
  • RD /S /Q "%WinDir%\System32\GroupPolicy"
  • gpupdate /force

Step 4: Delete Malicious Files and Folders

  • Use Task Scheduler to remove suspicious scheduled tasks
  • Search for and delete malicious files in %AppData% and %LocalAppData% folders
  • Check browser shortcuts for malicious target path modifications and remove

Step 5: Reset Browser Settings

  • Reset settings in Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and IE to default
  • This removes malicious extensions, themes, and startup pages
  • Optionally reset Chrome Sync data

Step 6: Scan with Malwarebytes

  • Download and install the free version of Malwarebytes
  • Run a full system scan to detect remaining threats
  • Quarantine any malware found

Step 7: Scan with HitmanPro

  • Download and run a scan with the HitmanPro free trial
  • Activate the 30-day trial to enable cleaning
  • Remove any additional malware identified

Step 8: Remove Adware with AdwCleaner

  • Download AdwCleaner from
  • Enable Reset Chrome Policies option in settings
  • Run a scan and quarantine any adware or browser hijackers


With these steps completed, your system should now be clear of Webcord and associated malware. To prevent future infections:

  • Keep your OS, browsers, and software updated
  • Use reputable real-time anti-malware protection
  • Practice safe web browsing and downloading habits
  • Regularly backup your important data

By following this guide and best practices, you can keep your computer safe from disruptive adware like Webcord. If you need further assistance, consult online security forums or professional technicians.



Jonathan Holmes

I'm Jonathan Holmes, Perth-based Cyber Security Engineer. Specializing in digital threat defense, SOC Analyst experience. Passionate about accessible security.