Remove Webcord Virus Adware

Jonathan Holmes
3 min readMay 20, 2024


Read The Full Original Guide Here

Main Steps

  1. Use Rkill to terminate malicious processes running on the computer.
  2. Check for and uninstall any unknown or suspicious programs from the computer via Windows Settings.
  3. Use the Windows Command Prompt as Administrator to remove malicious policies set by the malware.
  4. Manually search for and delete malicious scheduled tasks and folders located in the AppData\Roaming and AppData\Local directories. Also clean up malicious Chrome browser extensions and shortcut modifications.
  5. Reset your web browser settings to their defaults to remove spam notifications, malicious extensions, and revert any settings changed by the malware.
  6. Run a full system scan with Malwarebytes anti-malware to detect and remove any trojans, browser hijackers, and other malware on the computer.
  7. Perform an additional scan with HitmanPro to check for any rootkits and remaining malicious programs. Activate the free 30-day trial to enable clean up if needed.
  8. Use AdwCleaner to remove adware and reset malicious Chrome policies that may have been set by browser hijackers.
  9. Restart the computer when all the scans and removal steps are complete.
  10. Consider using a comprehensive real-time anti-malware tool like Malwarebytes Premium to proactively protect the system going forward. Also follow general online safety best practices.

What Is Webcord Adware?

Webcord is a type of adware that first appeared in early 2021, causing considerable disruption by embedding itself within free software downloads or through deceptive online advertising​ (Fabotix)​​ (espressocoder)​.

Functional Impact of Webcord Adware: Once installed, Webcord aggressively displays pop-up ads, banners, and notifications across various websites. The ads typically promote questionable products and services. Beyond merely displaying ads, Webcord also:

  • Redirects user searches to affiliate websites, thus generating ad revenue for its operators.
  • Gathers detailed browsing data and search histories to deliver more personalized and targeted advertisements.
  • Consumes significant system resources to display these ads, which can slow down the infected computer significantly.
  • Installs further unwanted programs or browser extensions without the user’s consent​ (Fabotix)​​ (soflacil)​.

Persistence and Removal Challenges: Webcord adware is notably resilient and employs various tactics to ensure its persistence on an infected system. It may alter web browser settings, modify system registry entries, or establish scheduled tasks to reassert itself after attempted removals. This makes Webcord particularly hard to eliminate​ (soflacil)​.

Risks Associated with Webcord: While not as harmful as viruses or ransomware, Webcord still poses significant privacy and security risks. It compromises user privacy by tracking online activities and can serve as a conduit for more severe malware threats if it installs other malicious software. The presence of Webcord indicates a breach in computer security​ (MUX MAGAZINE)​.

Preventative Measures and Removal Advice: To avoid Webcord infections, users should:

  • Refrain from downloading software from unreliable sources.
  • Be wary of unexpected installation prompts.
  • Regularly update their operating system and applications to patch vulnerabilities.
  • Maintain an effective anti-malware program to detect and prevent infections​ (Next Tribune)​.

If a system becomes infected with Webcord, removing it promptly with trusted security software is crucial. Manual cleanup might also be necessary to revert any changes made by the adware to the system settings​ (rideable)​.

Why Webcord is Problematic:

  • It disrupts normal browsing activities with continuous ad interruptions.
  • It redirects web searches and traffic to generate affiliate income.
  • It invades privacy by tracking user activities and collecting data.
  • It diminishes system performance due to its background activities.
  • It heightens the risk of further malware infections through additional unwanted software installations​ (MUX MAGAZINE)​​ (Rubblemagazine)​.

For individuals and organizations alike, understanding the nature of Webcord and taking appropriate actions to mitigate its effects are key steps in maintaining digital security and privacy.

Table of Contents

Step 1: Use Rkill to Terminate Malicious Processes

Rkill is a powerful utility designed to terminate known malicious processes, enabling your anti-malware software to effectively detect and remove threats. By running Rkill before proceeding with the removal process, you can ensure that malicious processes do not interfere with the cleaning operation.

Read The Full Guide Here.



Jonathan Holmes

I'm Jonathan Holmes, Perth-based Cyber Security Engineer. Specializing in digital threat defense, SOC Analyst experience. Passionate about accessible security.