The Unsung Hero Who Saved the Internet: The Inside Story of the xz Utils Backdoor Discovery

Jonathan Holmes
4 min readApr 17, 2024


In March 2024, the discovery of a sophisticated backdoor in the widely-used open-source data compression software, xz utils, sent shockwaves through the cybersecurity community. The incident underscored the critical importance of open-source software security and the potential for catastrophic consequences had the backdoor gone undetected. This is the story of how one man’s intuition and expertise helped avert a global cybersecurity disaster.

Full Analysis

The Accidental Hero: Andres Freund

At the heart of this story is Andres Freund, a software engineer at Microsoft working on the PostgreSQL database project. While troubleshooting an unrelated performance issue, Freund stumbled upon suspicious code in the xz utils software. Drawing upon his extensive experience and intuition, he recognized the code as a malicious backdoor that could have far-reaching consequences.

  • Background: Andres Freund, a Microsoft engineer with expertise in databases and open-source software
  • Serendipitous Discovery: Freund uncovered the backdoor while investigating an unrelated issue
  • Expertise and Intuition: His keen eye and understanding of software vulnerabilities were crucial in identifying the malicious code

The Race Against Time

Once the severity of the situation became apparent, Freund quickly alerted the open-source community. The potential impact of the backdoor was staggering, as xz utils is installed by default on nearly every Linux distribution. The community sprang into action, analyzing the malicious code and working tirelessly to develop a mitigation strategy.

Time was of the essence, as the backdoored version of xz utils was on the verge of being included in stable releases of popular Linux distributions like Fedora, Debian, and Ubuntu. Had the backdoor made its way into these releases, the scale of the incident would have been significantly greater, potentially affecting millions of systems worldwide.

The Human Element in Open-Source Security

The xz utils backdoor incident brought to light the challenges faced by open-source maintainers and contributors. These individuals often work tirelessly, dedicating their time and expertise to develop and maintain critical software components that power our digital infrastructure.

The incident highlighted the importance of community vigilance and collaboration in identifying and mitigating threats. It also underscored the need for increased support and resources for open-source projects to help them maintain the highest standards of security.

  • Challenges faced by open-source maintainers and contributors
  • The crucial role of community vigilance and collaboration
  • The need for increased support and resources for open-source projects

Espionage or Cybercrime? The Mystery Behind the Backdoor

As the open-source community grappled with the immediate fallout of the xz utils backdoor, attention turned to the attacker behind the sophisticated exploit. Analysis revealed that the backdoor was the work of a highly skilled and patient adversary, likely backed by significant resources.

Speculation ran rampant about the attacker’s motives and potential nation-state involvement. Was this an act of espionage, aimed at gaining a foothold in critical infrastructure? Or was it the work of a criminal group seeking financial gain? The ongoing investigation faced significant challenges in attribution, given the complexity of the attack and the measures taken by the attacker to cover their tracks.

The identity of the attacker remains a mystery, but the incident serves as a stark reminder of the ever-present threat of cyber espionage and the need for constant vigilance in the open-source software ecosystem.

Lessons Learned and the Future of Open-Source Security

The xz utils backdoor incident served as a wake-up call for the open-source community, highlighting the urgent need for improved security practices and increased collaboration to counter evolving threats.

In the aftermath of the discovery, several initiatives were launched to strengthen open-source security:

  • Increased scrutiny of code changes and contributor vetting processes
  • Improved tools and techniques for detecting and mitigating supply chain attacks
  • Greater collaboration between open-source projects, security researchers, and industry partners
  • Increased funding and resources for open-source security efforts

The incident also sparked a broader conversation about the role of open-source software in our digital infrastructure and the shared responsibility of ensuring its security.


The story of Andres Freund and the xz utils backdoor is a testament to the critical role played by individual expertise and community collaboration in safeguarding the open-source software ecosystem. Freund’s keen eye and quick action, combined with the swift response of the open-source community, helped avert a potentially catastrophic cybersecurity incident.

The xz utils backdoor incident will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on open-source security, serving as a powerful reminder of the importance of vigilance, collaboration, and ongoing investment in the security of the open-source software that underpins our digital world.

As we move forward, it is crucial that we recognize the invaluable contributions of individuals like Andres Freund and the open-source community as a whole. Only by working together, sharing knowledge, and dedicating resources to open-source security can we hope to build a more secure and resilient digital future.



Jonathan Holmes

I'm Jonathan Holmes, Perth-based Cyber Security Engineer. Specializing in digital threat defense, SOC Analyst experience. Passionate about accessible security.