Embracing life’s cycle- a perspective altering story on death and renewal

Susan Frania
4 min readAug 14, 2023


This is a story that could reshape how you perceive the transition we all must face — death.

At the age of 20, I was faced with the death of my father, grandfather and a friend, all within just a few weeks.
Today, as I search for the essence of life, I am grateful for that early encounter with death. This experience granted me the serenity that guides me through life today.

For me, a rich life thrives on the energy of love. Love, as the paramount force, propels our world towards positive transformation. Since fear opposes love, addressing it head-on is vital. Recognizing, confronting, and healing our fears pave the ultimate path to love.

Allow me to share a story for this purpose.
It is a tale about death that may help you break free from fear, a tale that I dreamed one morning in the transcendental state of half-sleep. It opened my eyes to the obvious, which yet we refuse to see. My hope is that it does the same for you.

This is the story of Noah and Lucy, identical twins in their mother’s womb.
They thrive and grow up together for 10 months. Their world is this cozy, dark place surrounded by water that connects and nurtures them to their source through the umbilical cord.

Image by cosmic_svasti

One day the gate (the birth canal) opens and they both see the light.
They have never seen anything like that before and are frightened, unsure of what is about to happen.
Suddenly, time seems to stand still. Lucy feels a powerful force that she cannot resist, pushing her towards the tunnel. The water in which she has spent her entire life seems to recede into the distance, and being convinced that she needs this environment to live and grow she is scared to death.
The force is getting stronger as Lucy is getting weaker and so she has no choice but to let go. Powerless and in complete uncertainty she leaves the womb.
Her little body is pushed through the tunnel and into the light and suddenly the pain subsides.

Image by cosmic_svasti

She hears a sound escaping her lips, smells the delicate scent of the flowers standing on the bedside table. Slowly she opens her eyes. Rays of light shine through the window and in the warm embrace of her loving mother and the tender touch of her father she suddenly realizes that she is safe. She’s alive.

Noah, still in the womb, is shocked. Convinced of Lucy’s demise, he is filled with pain and grief. “Why did you leave me? Please come back. I love you, I will spend the rest of my life missing you” he thinks.
Lucy senses her twin’s feelings and wishes she could tell him how beautiful it is on the other side.
She now realizes that what they both thought was paradise, from her new perspective, was just the gateway to it. She now knows that life has only just begun….

Image by cosmic_svasti

Just as Noah does not know what joy awaits him, we also do not know what comes after our supposed death.
What I find interesting is that our description of death, the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel, is literally what we experience at birth, yet no one ever made the assumption that it could be one and the same happening.

I believe the fear of death, primal and limiting, hinders us from living wholeheartedly, fueled by love’s energy. It keeps us from chasing our dreams and from trusting our capabilities. If you have no fear no one has power over you. So, what would you do if you weren't afraid?

May the story of Noah and Lucy always accompany you and may you find peace in the certainty that the end is just a fresh beginning…

Yours truly,


