Software Engineer Bootcamp Preparation: What I wish I knew beforehand

Susan M.
3 min readMay 13, 2022


Engineer overwhelmingly surrounded by all the skills & languages to learn.
So much to learn, with so little time.

I am currently in the throes of my bootcamp and although I have only completed one of five phases, there are some very important lessons I have learned. Lessons that I wish I could have given my pre-bootcamp self. Lessons that would have avoided the severe stress I was under during those faithful first two weeks of phase one. Don’t be mistaken, this process will be stressful regardless. However, there are levels to stress and myself and a few others were at the highest possible level. To my aspiring ‘boot-campers’, these are the three tips that would have made a difference:

  1. Have a basic understanding of the language(s).

In my case it was JavaScript (JS). Now, I am not saying that you should be an expert, but at least know the basic tenets or be relatively familiar with concepts such as Data Types, Conditionals, and functions.

If you are fortunate to have pre-work provided by the bootcamp, make a concerted effort to learn the material and practice constantly. Do not just skim through the material. The pre-work I received was a good precursor of what to expect, but I was more focused on just getting it done to meet the deadline. So on that note, also afford yourself appropriate time to absorb the pre-work.

If pre-work is not provided by the bootcamp, seek out other readily available sources, whether free or paid, that will provide you with the knowledge required.

  1. Build at least one project

This should be a seamless continuation the first tip. There is no better way, I feel, to solidify your knowledge than to just code. Once you have gained basic knowledge, the next step is to build a simple project that utilizes all those tools.

A project will very clearly highlight your strengths and weaknesses. Affording you the opportunity to strengthen those areas that were revealed to be weaknesses. Beginner-friendly project ideas are readily available online. So choose something you are genuinely interested in and have fun!

Furthermore, building projects are an integral part to any bootcamp, so having experience in doing so beforehand, will be extremely beneficial.

  1. Afford sufficient time to prepare

This was mentioned in the very first tip, but needs to be reinforced. I had only two weeks to complete the many-weeks long pre-work. I somehow convinced myself that admissions was exaggerating in claiming it would take at least four weeks. Well, they were not.

Personally, I probably should have stretched my preparation over a two month period. Four weeks to really absorb the material and the remaining Four weeks to: 1. build a project or two and 2. re-engage with learning where necessary. If you are able to give yourself a longer preparation period, then do so.

Sources to aid in preparation:

  1. FreeCodeCamp
  2. TreeHouse
  3. Udemy.

