Art therapy for lockdown

Susan Cullen
2 min readAug 2, 2020


Puebla 4

Previously I wrote about how I was planning to rely on art and craft to help me get through lockdown and isolation.

Just before retreating to my Melbourne home, I bought an apple pencil thinking that this would be the perfect time to work on my drawing skills.

That pencil stayed in its box for 2 months but I’ve finally excavated it and started to experiment.

I wish I’d started earlier.

Here are eight pictures based on photos from a trip to Mexico. I was inspired by the expanses of bright clear colour and highlights in black. At a time when travel is not an option, it’s been wonderful to revisit the memory of a trip I took ten years ago.

Puebla 3
Puebla 2
Puebla 1
Mexico City 4
Mexico City 3: Castillo de Chapultepec
Mexico City 1: Bario Belen
Mexico City 2: Bario Belen

