Susan Devine Gordon
1 min readNov 18, 2016


The emotional language is always used on the pro-choice side. I have stated facts. Please do your research.

I was speaking for ALL Christians (not counterfeit Christians) who defend and help all human beings from the moment of conception until natural death. You can’t pick and choose what human beings you want to help. The author of the egregious article spoke erroneously for ALL White Women who voted for President-Elect Donald Trump.

The only faulty science was by the Supreme Court, by their own admission, they were intellectually dishonest when they said they didn’t know when life begins.Prominent Physicians and Scientists have affirmed with certainty that human life begins at conception. It is intellectually dishonest to state anything that refutes this fact. And if there is unfounded uncertainty from the pro-choice advocates about when life begins, the benefit of the doubt should always go to preserving life. Truth and fact are not opinions. Truth cannot be changed just because it is convenient. Pro-choice advocates lean on the faulty premise of individualistic truth. When you have individualistic truth you cannot avoid the reality that might makes right and this eventually leads to a denial of human nature. Of course the unborn does not have a full human nature when you deny truth. The Pro-Choice movement you are defending only exploits women, and never helps them. It is based on lies and can never be defended and its foundation will eventually crumble and fall.. Truth will always prevail.

