Finding Motivation

Susan Jane
2 min readMay 1, 2018


For a long time I’ve been trying to stick to a workout routine. A routine that will keep me motivated and will lead to the results I want. Having goals are important, as ‘they’ say.

For a few months now, I’ve been trying to keep up a workout routine each week. I enjoy doing intense type workouts such as CrossFit, waking up at 4:15am to catch a 5am class. I realized that while doing that has been helping me gain more strength, I found myself wanting something more.

As a busy working mom of 2, finding time for myself is not easy. I used to meditate, but I wanted something more physical. So I started yoga. In the comfort of my own home, I turn on a YouTube channel series in the morning and currently am on Day 2 of a 30 day series. I aim to do yoga everyday in this month of May, as well as my CrossFit workouts.

What am I aiming for — what is the big picture for me? Well, it’s to gain more strength, flexibility, and most of all, finding peace and love within myself. There is a purpose for the things we do, whether it is walking in the mornings, a CrossFit class or half hour of Yoga each day.

For me, I want to make the most of what I do and not just go through the motions without any thought behind it.

Doesn’t it make sense to get something out of what you do each day? I think I just found my motivation…



Susan Jane

Busy mom of 2 boys, living in South Florida. Writes about Mom life and being health minded.