Pleading the (recently renamed)Forty-Fifth Amendment

Luna C.
2 min readAug 12, 2022


We see you libs salivating. We see you licking your chops in anticipation, gleefully poring over every detail of our Liz Cheney interview and our critical opinion piece in our newspaper. We see how you relish pondering why we are doing it. You wonder if we know things or if we just need to remind the old con that we are the real power. Then you get almost giddy. As all of the Conservative News Corp cable news, religious channels, papers, podcasts etc seemed to be distancing themselves from a former President, the FBI executed a search warrant at his home. We know this makes you giggle and hope for espionage charges/conviction.. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Donald has always had to be suspicious of everyone around him. He has always had to worry that his friends were wearing a wire or ratting to the state AG or the feds. He has always had to make everyone around him sign non-disclosure agreements to protect himself from civil or criminal prosecution, and it just isn’t fair.

How would you like it if you had to live in constant fear that one of your family is the rat? How would you like to constantly worry that people will know what you’ve done? How would you like it if you had to be afraid each time you spoke on the phone that someone would know what you said? How would you like to have to tear up everything you wrote down? How would you like it if you constantly had to deal with clogged toilets from document destruction? How would you like to always have to plead the fifth every single time you are subpoenaed? Have you no soul? Have you no humanity? You people are monsters.

You will hound that poor pitiful old man to his grave. You think that just because he is searching for a rat, he has something to hide. There is nothing he could ever say or do that will satisfy your crazed desire for justice. You are so obsessed with truth and lies that he doesn’t stand a chance against your incessant need to know. You have made his paranoid existence super paranoid. You won’t stop grinning at how crappy it is to be subjected to the sort of scrutiny that only Hillary Clinton deserves. I hope you people are happy.

