Cat Cuddles Gone Wrong?

Uncover the Secrets Behind Your Feline’s Growls and Hissy Fits

Black kitten and black and white kitten brother laying together and being held on person’s forearm
© The Cat and Dog House

A h, the age-old struggle of the cat owner — to snuggle or not to snuggle?

As much as we may love to scoop up our furry friends and smother them with affection, our cats are not always as thrilled with the idea as we are.

In fact, some cats view cuddling as the equivalent of being trapped in a high-rise without a parachute.

And who can blame them?

When we pick up our precious bundles of fluff, we’re essentially restraining them in a place they never asked to be — I mean, would you enjoy being held in mid-air against your will?

It’s no wonder they fight back with their sharp claws and teeth.

While we may think we’re showing them love, all they’re feeling is terror.

It’s that communication gap again — what we think our cats like vs. what they actually like.

In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why your cat growls when you pick her up. By the end, you’ll know how to make the experience enjoyable and stress-free for both of you.

Or not. It depends in the cat, after all.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding your cat’s…



Susan Nilson | Founder @ The Cat And Dog House

Susan Nilson is a cat and dog training and behavior professional who shares her life with 6 cats and 4 dogs - all rescues - she's acquired on her world travels