Turns Out Cats Do Actually Have A Favorite Color

Cats are known for their ability to see in the dark, but can they see some colors better than others?

Have you ever wondered why your feline seems to be drawn to some colors over others?

Whether she sees a full range of colors like we do, or if her eyes process color differently? If she prefers bright colors or muted tones? Or if she even cares?

All fascinating questions, so let’s delve straight into this mysterious connection between felines and color.

How well do cats see?

We can start by looking at how cats see the world.

It’s no secret to cat owners that their feline charges have a secret superpower — their excellent night vision.

There are a number of reasons for this and it all comes down to the structure of cats’ eyes.

Cats have excellent night vision due to the way their eyes are structured © The Cat and Dog House

Rods and cones

The retinas* in cats’ eyes are densely packed with photoreceptor cells (called rods) that help animals see in low light.



Susan Nilson | Founder @ The Cat And Dog House

Susan Nilson is a cat and dog training and behavior professional who shares her life with 6 cats and 4 dogs - all rescues - she's acquired on her world travels