USER EXPERIENCE — Lynda course summary

UX Design 2: Analysing user data.

sushant waghmare
2 min readSep 26, 2018

User data is of 2 types -

Qualitative data -comes from user interaction and observation.

Quantitative data -comes from research data, survey etc.

Get the data from the user -

1. Find the representative users (2 or more) for your product.

2. Then ask them, can I observe your behavior towards our product.

3. Fix a reward to be given — gift card, money etc.

If you can, observe users in their natural environment, observe the surrounding and their behavior

4. Carry Notebook and pencil only, avoid electronic devices, ’cause it’s more human and less distracting.

5. Be polite apprentice, rather than being an expert.

6. Observe more, talks less.

7. Ask them time to time — why they did what they did?

8. Don’t carry electronic interruptions.

9. Come back and make an ‘experience map’.

User Research Map

10. While creating a map, — User’s task, user’s action, pain-points, and quotes are the main stuff. — Even questions arose from observation leads too succeeding observations and focusing on the big problem.

11. Interactions of all users come together on a wall, in the form of stickies on which observers stated the feel, the problems and the successes of the user, even user’s quotations can be written down.

12. Observer bias (observer’s own thoughts and opinions) and data validity (user data’s relatability with the real world) are two enemies of the process.

13. Observer’s read aloud the stickies before they put it on the wall. Thus, forms grouping of stickies by placing similar stickies together.

14. Use specific color stickies to show tasks and group them accordingly.

Through this process, we get actionable data-
Gather pain points.

  1. Give observers few(5 or 6) dots to put on a sticky note which seems them more of a problem.
  2. the sticky note with most of the dots is ‘pain points’.
  3. Invert pain point list to make goals list.
  4. To know we have met our goals use — metrics. It measures efficiency, effectivity, and satisfaction of the user and their needs.
  5. To give the executive command (if you have one) clarity as to why certain change needs to happen, have a metrics list to show the profit which will occur when pain points are solved.

The benefit of this procedure -
More solved problems, more profit.

Stay tuned for the next post in this series.

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