DE-Shaw Interview Experience (Off-Campus)

Sushant Singh
3 min readMay 11, 2023


Role: Software Development Engineer

Eligibility criteria: CGPA 8 & Above, No Current Backlogs,Only IT/CS branch

Job Location: Hydrabad.

Selection Process →

Note:- Each Round was an elimination round.

ROUND 1 (Resume Screening):

Students from Only IT/CS branch got call based on Resume and CGPA.

ROUND 2(Online test):

This online test consisted of 2 coding question and other standard Mcqs.

MCQ : This section had total 4–5 subsections. Questions from different topics like Data structures , Aptitude, Operating system, Java Output , OOPs, Computer Networks etc. Questions were little bit tricky and required good knowledge of subjects .

Coding : This section consisted of 2 questions. 1of them were LC hard level questions and 1 was LC medium-easy level.

Those who solved both coding questions and most of the MCQs correctly were shortlisted for the further rounds .

ROUND 3(Technical Interview):

The interview was conducted on zoom and was around 60 minute long. It started with a brief introduction, and then the interviewer proceeded with the questions.

Firstly he asked me to brief about any one of my projects mentioned in the resume.While explaining he cross-questioned about some features and modules used.

Then he moved to the next segment and asked me to share my whole screen . Then two coding questions were asked which was to be solved on any code editor.

First question was an easy-medium problem, based on DFS. First I had to explain the approach and then to implement the same. At the end he asked to modify the same code for another variation of same problem, which was using BFS instead.

Second question was a DP based problem. Question was a little tricky, but he gave a hint and we proceeded to the final approach. Then I was told to code the function, and then we did a dry run of the same.

Towards the end of the interview , he asked if I had any questions.

ROUND 4(Technical Interview):

This round was also 60 min long and again started with a short introduction.Then it moved to the code part, there was only one coding problem in this round having 2–3 follow-ups questions.

Question was from tree. I had to design a special tree based on certain conditions. I was asked to tell the optimal approach and then to implement the same.

ROUND 5(Technical Interview):

This round was also 60 min long and again started with a short introduction.Then it moved to the code part, there was a design question

Question was to design a DATA STRUCTURE. We had to perform certain operations in optimal time. O(1) solution

ROUND 6(HR Round):

This round was about 30 min long and again started with a good introduction from both sides, and then she asked me to give an overview of projects I have done, and then she asked me some experience gained while working on team projects, some behavioral questions were also asked.

Final verdict: Selected [Did not opt due to competitive offers and location]

[Important Points]

  1. Do not panic, even if you find a question completely new to you , try to relate. You may ask for a hint , if needed . the interviewer will help you throughout the interview.
  2. Before approaching the question, always clarify doubts regarding the problem.You may ask for any special/edge cases.
  3. Before appearing for an interview, go for gfg archives and experience of the company. It will give you insight and the pattern, the particular company follows.
  4. At the end of each round the interviewer will give you a chance to ask some questions so take that opportunity and ask some good questions.

Best of Luck!



Sushant Singh

Passionate Engineer and Bringing Code to Life since 2021.