4 min readJun 6, 2018

The Space Race.

Two aspects of human civilization, have always been a catalyst for progress. Man's desire to be better than his competitor and his quest for knowledge. As we near 49th anniversary of the manned lunar landing, I looked back at the greatest competition that human race has ever staged , 'The Space Race'

Jules verne, (A writer, it's always writers who provides impetus madness, and in the words of Hollywood's most evil villian Joker, " Madness is like gravity all it needs is a push!") captured human imagination with the idea of space exploration. Then came Russian scientist Konstatin tsiolkovosky ( High on cheap vodka, of course) and Englishman Robert H. Goddard who published papers on the possibility of space travel. Putting words into action , During World war 2 , The Germans develop these dangerous V-2 rockets with an intention to win the war, they had no love for the Moon ( No readers for 'Mein Kampf' on the Moon) All was going well until Two Superpowers , USA & USSR, were diagnosed with flu aptly titled 'The Cold War' , The effects of this disease led them to behave like two teenage lovers on a break-up determined to go one up on each other.

"This is where the fun began, They played out the greatest sporting spectacle, an amalgamation of Science & Geo-politics. This was the birth of the Space Race. USA & USSR met each other on the playground of Space research to establish world dominance and show who is the Boss."

The USSR (Russia for oldies) launched Sputnik 1 into orbit in 1957, first artificial satellite in orbit. The Russians loved dogs so they launched a 'Dog' named Laika into space aboard Sputnik 2. (Animal rights wale so rahe the kya?)

Meanwhile Americans had launched the space program named Vanguard in the same year. Bechare, Americans finally got the first satellite in space aptly named 'Explorer 1' on Feb 1958.

The score, Americans 1 - Russians 1

(Abhi toh party shuru Hui hai!!)

As usual Americans can't stand defeat, they formed NASA, with a clear mandate "take our Money and put us first in Space race."

In 1959 they launched the Mercury 7 program with 7 astronauts to be put up in earth orbit. (So cool name, sounds like a Marvel movie).

But these Russians already high on Cheap vodka, these nasty people sent a Man into space. Cosmonaut (Russian name for astronaut) Yuri Gagarin did a 108 minute (not in anyway related to Hindu mythology) orbit of the earth aboard Vostok 1 in April 1961. They followed it up with Vostok 2 voyage sending German titov as the second man in orbit.

The score, Russia 3-Americans 1.

On May 5th 1961, Americans finally put a Man named Alan Shepard in sub-orbit. He was a part of the Mercury-7. Now American public was being frustrated with the lead taken by Russians in the Space race.

So American president John F Kennedy did what Mr.Modi does today. He promised Achhe din before 1970, he promised to land a Man on the Moon. Thus was launched the 'Swach Bharat abhiyaan'. Oops sorry, It was the Apollo mission.

Russians weren't going to keep quiet. They did what every married Married man dreams of ! Blasted a woman into space. A cosmonaut named Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space. Americans didn't trust women in space until 1983.As expected, Russians were cheap. They were searching for cheaper alternatives for Space voyage. So the Vostok became Vokshod designed to cram 3 people into the space craft. Resulting in disastrous consequences.

Meanwhile Americans launched Gemini and Apollo missions.Thia was the turning point.This is where the Americans took lead. They launched 10 successful missions in the span of a year. While USSR busied itself in preparing for lunar mission. (So JFK just pulled of the biggest sledging in history of mankind). The Soviets went on to develop N2 Rockets which suffered multiple failures resulting in discontinuation of manned space program.Americans on the other hand suffered a fatal accident on Apollo 1 mission resulting in death of 3 astronauts. Apollo 8 became the 1st manned spacecraft to orbit Moon.Finally they succeeded in putting man on the Moon on July 19, 1969 when Apollo 11 landed. Followed by 6 successful missions. And thus, Like a Hollywood movie The great American dream trumped (No pun intended) the communists.

This is a beautiful example of two nations fought the greatest race in history of science to achieve something beautiful. A pinnacle of human achievement.

May the force be with you!


“Miss Jean Louise, stand up. Your father's passin'.”