The Craziest AI Images Ever Made

A.I. images are taking over the world and so I’ve prepared a list of the craziest A.I. art I’ve ever seen.

The Craziest AI Images Ever Made
The Craziest AI Images Ever Made

Number 1:

Starting with this photo-realistic render of a skull made of roses.
The skull is one of the most popular themes in A.I. images but most of them don’t even come close to this masterpiece.

Number 2:

Next up we have an illustration of a Bohemian wagswink bird.
There is a reason this image is the most likely picture on Prompt Hero.
This is the perfect example of why it pays to use descriptive and visual language. Just look at the full prompt.

The Craziest AI Images Ever Made
The Craziest AI Images Ever Made

Number 3:

Now the story behind this piece is very interesting because this is how mid-journey sees itself.
That’s right, the guy who made it used the prompt mid-journey becoming sentient.
And I don’t know if I should be amazed or slightly terrified.



Sushil Kumar πŸ’β€οΈ
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