The Medium Partner Program is Now Available Soon in My Country, “India”.

Sushil Kumar 💝❤️
3 min readSep 1, 2023


Medium has established itself as a thriving platform, boasting an impressive array of talented writers who share their captivating content with the world. A unique feature that sets Medium apart is its commitment to rewarding excellence through the Medium Partner Program. This innovative initiative allows writers to not only showcase their skills but also earn a substantial income from their literary endeavors.

The Medium Partner Program is Now Available Soon in My Country, “India”.

However, the accessibility of the Medium Partner Program was initially limited due to its reliance on the payment processing service, Stripe. This limitation meant that only a select few countries could take advantage of the program’s benefits.

Despite Stripe’s gradual expansion, including the beta launch in India and other nations, some prominent countries like India, along with 12 others, were unable to participate in the Medium Partner Program. This situation left numerous talented content creators from these regions unable to monetize their hard work and insightful content.

The winds of change are now sweeping through the digital landscape. As of October 1st, 2023, Medium is heralding a new era of inclusivity by opening the doors of the Medium Partner Program to an array of countries.

This list includes Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Hungary, India, Liechtenstein, Malaysia, Malta, Thailand, and the United Arab Emirates. It’s a remarkable leap forward, signaling Medium’s dedication to embracing a global community of creators.

And the story doesn’t end there. In a visionary move, Medium intends to continue this trend, aiming to extend access to the Medium Partner Program to approximately 50 more countries by the close of this year. This heralds a significant transformation for content creators worldwide, as they are finally granted the opportunity to translate their devoted following into tangible rewards.

The significance of this development cannot be overstated. Talented writers and creators from the aforementioned countries, who had long been sharing their thoughts and insights without monetary compensation, can now anticipate a positive change. Medium’s decision to expand the reach of the Partner Program exemplifies its commitment to fostering a diverse community of voices and perspectives. With each new addition to the program, the platform becomes richer, reflecting a tapestry of cultures, ideas, and stories from around the globe.

In conclusion, Medium’s strategic decision to broaden access to the Medium Partner Program marks a pivotal moment in the world of online content creation. As the platform opens its arms to content creators in previously excluded countries, it not only acknowledges their talent but also demonstrates its dedication to empowering voices that deserve to be heard. This transformative shift is a testament to Medium’s vision of creating a more inclusive and rewarding space for creators worldwide.

Starting from October 1, 2023, these modifications are set to come into force. Their objective is to ignite a global surge in writing enthusiasm, propelling Medium towards its pinnacle as the ultimate hub for exceptional literary expression.

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Sushil Kumar 💝❤️

Hello, I'm someone who loves to share knowledge about side hustles. I've attempted successful side business there is, I'll speak about them all, which possible.