7 Awesome Ways How to Easily Talk to Anyone

A Simple Guide to Breaking Social Awkward Barriers

4 min readFeb 20, 2018

If you often find yourself in awkward social situations struggling to meet new people or make friends, congratulations you are not the only one. I was this same person four years ago. Throughout the years, instead of doing nothing about it, I went out to social events and festivals to destroy my inner demon, social anxiety. I faced my fear heads on, and I wanted to learn how to socialize with people normally. Meeting people wasn’t easy, and it’s tough if you have a lot of anxiety.

Where are these anxieties coming from? The fear and judgment of others, most importantly, exposure. Your lack of exposure of going to social events cock-blocks you from improving your social skill. Great news for you is that social skill can be developed over time. If you are an introvert, going to social events to network is a great way to spend your energy. Then, rest up and repeat. After you finally manage to muster up the courage to socialize, you still have those awkward moments when you and that person locked eyes to eyes. You’re not talking, and one person expects the other to carry the conversation. Now, both of you guys are standing there like idiots. It’s okay, and this is completely normal. Here are 7 specific ways on how to break the awkward barriers and talk to anyone:

