A Brief History: Lost Empire of Montezuma II

2 min readNov 18, 2023

The Aztec Empire existed around 500 years ago. Right in the middle of it was Montezuma II. He was the Emperor of the Aztecs from 1502 to 1520.

Montezuma II was more than just a ruler. He was a legend. He expanded the Aztec Empire by conquering other tribes and expanding their territory. But he wasn’t just about battles and land. He also really cared about keeping the Aztec culture and religion alive and thriving.

The heart of the Aztec was their capital city, Tenochtitlán. It was the political, cultural, and religious center. The Aztec constructed canals and causeways, along with massive temples, palaces, and public buildings. The most famous of these structures was the Templo Mayor. As the religious heart of the empire, Tenochtitlán was home to numerous temples and was the site of elaborate rituals and ceremonies central to the Aztec religion.

In 1519, the Aztec Empire faced a group of Spaniards, led by a man named Hernán Cortés.

Montezuma II decided to try and talk to them, hoping to keep things peaceful. He welcomed Cortés as a guest to work things out. However, it didn’t go as planned. Cortés and his men were there for…

