How to Overcome Social Anxiety

I used to have anxiety.

3 min readJun 12, 2018

Back in college years when I had to give presentations, I had butterflies in my stomach almost every single time. My legs started to shake, my stomach grumbled, had to take shits, and anxiety killed. It killed me in a way when I approached any social situations, and I don’t have the confidence to be myself. I despised it.

My first thought was to surf online to find the best treatment. After extensive research, the solutions to treat social anxiety was through medications and therapies. I refused to take medications or do therapies. One, I don’t do drugs. Second, I don’t like complaining about my problems with the therapist. There has to be a better way, and I told myself, “can I cure social anxiety by facing my fears head on?”

That’s what I did.

Despite the nerve-racking, shy type that I was, I refused to let anything try to be the boss of my own emotions or thoughts. So, I wanted to see if I could “learn” to handle anxiety by putting myself in every social situation that I would get myself into. This is what I learn and how to overcome social anxiety:

  1. Having anxiety or being nervous is normal, don’t get too attached to it. Some people have it harder than others because some of us don’t get to experience social situations often. Think of it like this…

