A Brief History of Vietnam: The 4 Periods of Chinese Domination

4 min readFeb 14, 2018

History Repeated Itself with China Ruling over Vietnam

For over thousands of years, China ruled over Vietnam from 111 B.C. — 980 A.D. During the period, many Chinese culture wonders influenced the small country of the world. One of its influence was the classical Chinese writing. In the 10th century, Vietnam adopted Chinese writing script to create their own language — Chữ-Nôm. It wasn’t until later in the 12th — 13th century the adopted Vietnamese language was systematized as the official language and part of literature. Vietnam’s culture was greatly influenced by China’s domination.

The early interaction between the two countries dated back to the 3rd century B.C. It wasn’t until two centuries later, China began its conquest of colonizing Vietnam. Back then, Vietnam was not a small country like it is now.


Part of the lower China used to be Vietnam. During the first Chinese conquest in 111 B.C., the Han Dynasty conquered the south and expanded its territorial dominance. The first Chinese Domination of Vietnam was significance. Emperor Han Wudi successfully conquered Nanyue(Vietnam) and adjoined it to the Han sovereignty. The purpose of China ruled was to control Red River Delta, a geographical terrain for trading supplies with other powerful countries like India and the Roman Empire.

