Sushovan Das

Sushovan Das

Figma Portfolio

8 stories

Sushovan Das

Sushovan Das

Career path

14 stories

Cover image showing examples of the surveys that were used in performance review evaluations
Sushovan Das

Sushovan Das

Design interviewing

4 stories

Two women sitting in an casual interview setting
Sushovan Das

Sushovan Das

Digital product design craftsmanship

9 stories

Poster presenting 58 tips for beautiful interface design
Sushovan Das

Sushovan Das

Design team culture

1 story

Sushovan Das

Sushovan Das

File Organization and Design Systems in Figma

9 stories

Organize a Figma file like a pro
José with a blank stare, sitting in a room on fire.
Sushovan Das

Sushovan Das

Collaboration w/ Devs and PMs

4 stories

Colourful graphics which say “Ready, set, sprint”
Introduction slide