Kotlin: The Superhero of Boring Code

Sushruth S
4 min readApr 22, 2023


Are you tired of writing the same boilerplate code over and over again? Do you dream of a world where coding is fun and exciting? Well, my friend, you’re in luck! Enter Kotlin, the superhero of boring code.

Kotlin is a modern programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine. It was designed to address the shortcomings of Java and provide a more concise and readable syntax. Kotlin is not only easy to learn, but it also provides many features that are not commonly used but can greatly reduce boilerplate code and increase efficiency.

Let’s dive into some of Kotlin’s superpowers:
1. Null Safety: Do you hate NullPointerExceptions? Me too! Kotlin’s null safety feature ensures that you handle null values explicitly, reducing the likelihood of runtime errors. Here’s an example:

fun printLength(str: String?) {
println(str?.length ?: 0)

In this example, we use the safe call operator ?. and the Elvis operator ?: to handle null values. If str is null, we print 0 instead of crashing our application. Hooray for null safety!

2. Extension Functions: Do you want to add some spice to your classes? Extension functions allow you to add functionality to existing classes without having to inherit from them. Here’s an example:

fun String.reverse(): String {
return this.reversed()

In this example, we define an extension function reverse() for the String class. We can call this function on any string and get its reverse. Who knew adding functionality could be so easy?

3. Lambdas: Do you like to pass functions as arguments? Lambdas allow you to do just that, making your code more flexible and expressive. Here’s an example:

val numbers = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
val evenNumbers = numbers.filter { it % 2 == 0 }

In this example, we use a lambda expression to filter even numbers from a list of integers. The lambda expression { it % 2 == 0 } takes an integer argument and returns a boolean value. Who needs named functions when you can have anonymous ones?

4. String Templates: Do you like to concatenate strings? String templates allow you to interpolate variables directly into a string, making your code more readable and concise. Here’s an example:

val name = "John"
val age = 30
val message = "My name is $name and I am $age years old."

In this example, we use string templates to interpolate variables into a string. We use the dollar sign $ to indicate that we want to interpolate a variable. Who needs the plus sign + when you can have dollar signs?

5. Object Declarations: Do you want to create a global object? Object declarations allow you to do just that, without having to create a class. Here’s an example:

object Global {
fun sayHello() {
println("Hello, world!")

fun main() {

In this example, we create an object Global that has a function sayHello(). We can call this function anywhere in our application without creating an instance of the object. Who needs classes when you can have objects?

6. Companion Objects: Do you want to define static members and functions for a class? Companion objects allow you to do just that, without having to use the static keyword. Here's an example:

class Person(val name: String) {
companion object {
fun fromJson(json: String): Person {
// parse JSON and return a Person object

fun main() {
val json = "{\"name\": \"John\"}"
val person = Person.fromJson(json)

In this example, we define a companion object for the Person class that has a function fromJson() that parses JSON and returns a Person

7. Data Classes: Do you like to create classes with lots of properties? Data classes allow you to create classes with lots of properties without having to write a lot of boilerplate code. Here’s an example:

data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int)

In this example, we create a Person class with two properties: name and age. The data keyword generates a lot of useful methods for us, such as equals(), hashCode(), and toString(). Who needs to write all those methods when you can just use data?

8. Elvis Operator: Do you like to handle null values explicitly? The Elvis operator allows you to do just that, in a fun and playful way. Here’s an example:

val name: String? = null
val result = name ?: "unknown"

In this example, we use the Elvis operator ?: to handle a null value. If name is null, we print "unknown" instead of crashing our application. Who needs a boring ternary operator when you can have an Elvis?

9. Function Types: Do you like to pass functions as arguments? Function types allow you to do just that, in a way that is both powerful and expressive. Here’s an example:

fun calculate(a: Int, b: Int, operation: (Int, Int) -> Int): Int {
return operation(a, b)

val sum = calculate(1, 2) { a, b -> a + b }
val product = calculate(3, 4) { a, b -> a * b }

In this example, we define a calculate() function that takes two integers and a function that takes two integers and returns an integer. We can pass different functions to calculate() to perform different operations, such as addition or multiplication. Who needs to write separate functions for each operation when you can just pass a function as an argument?

With these superpowers, Kotlin can transform your boring code into exciting and readable code. You’ll be a coding superhero in no time!

In conclusion, if you’re tired of writing the same boring code over and over again, give Kotlin a try. With its many features, Kotlin can greatly reduce boilerplate code and increase efficiency. Who knows, you might even enjoy coding again!

