Stewards and Rangers

How both complement each other in management.

Sushrut Munje
2 min readMar 25, 2014

A marketing army requires a healthy combination of warriors and monks. Similarly, a management army needs stewards and rangers in equal number. Imagine the steward who builds and keeps the sandcastle the way it is, while the ranger protects it from the waves. It is a common misconception and quite a limited worldview to assume that rangers see all the action, while stewards are hired to serve. Thank you Game of Thrones and Jon Snow (though he knows nothing) for these pearls of wisdom.

Stewardship is Administration

A freshman knows his way around a fort by serving the high lords and the generals. The inner lanes, the schedules, larder stock, the wells of drinking water- a steward understands how the fort runs and what keeps it strong. Stewards in special service to commanders keep secrets, understand decisions made and are often groomed to administrate and succeed.

Rangers Fight

It is glorious to be a ranger, but the time spent on battlements make you wiser for attacks and defense. Though rangers might understand the strategy on field and be aggressive as they prove victorious, an administrator pulls the strings. Though the ranks boast of tall proud men, they are also a tool for the policies that govern the fort and the kingdom. Rangers play a crucial role, distinctly full of quick results and thrill, but more limited in its scope as compared to that of a ‘lowly’ steward.

Having Both is Desirable

Of course, since their roles are complementary. The funny thing is when stewards complain at the outset and poorly perform, little knowing the true reason behind why they were chosen, refusing to believe it is a test for a bigger role. Patience should ideally win over the need for instant gratification. Assuming the priorities match. Everything can be so darn subjective.

love and peace

