Life at COME as a Marketing Intern

Susiana Febriyanti
5 min readSep 4, 2020


Me and other interns at COME Weekly Planning

I could say my internship at COME was very unexpected yet a very exciting journey. Around four or five months ago, I desperately looked for internship opportunities in which I failed miserably and I positively reckon was partly due to COVID-19 pandemic. At the very last minute where I demanded by my university to get an internship placement ASAP or I would graduate late due to personal reasons, I found COME and they accepted me with an open arms. Three months ago to be exact. How time flies. Let’s begin my full-of-joy internship journey at COME.

First impressions

I remember the feelings of excitement and anxious mixed together on the first day of my first virtual internship experience at COME. I also remember the mixed thoughts of whether I could make a good first impression or not. I remember learning eagerly every marketing courses offered by COME for the interns before having hands-on experience.

I remember exactly that I had been put into a ‘squad’ that I had no idea anything about them and how to approach them, virtually, of course. You can say, I felt sort of intimidated at some point before I found out that they are the most creative, passionate, and fun individuals. But I will talk about them in a separate section.

COME was a very, VERY potential start-up company and still IS. I’m so proud to join the company and so glad that I had a chance to join as an intern at its very young age. My thoughts and expectations about COME and the workloads that have given to me from the first day up until the last day of my internship period were very similar. Metaphorically, COME was and is one big piece of puzzle that has formed the me now, the so-much-better one.

Being a part of marketing intern at COME

My scope as a marketing intern was mainly handling COME page on Facebook along with my team which included graphic designer, my marketing co-worker, and content writers. Together we gather creative ideas for the daily contents, plan the schedule on the contents, execute the contents, set KPIs goal for each contents, analyze Facebook insight thoroughly every week, propose and report the planning as well as the results every week, have a team discussion every week as well (the fun part!), and, obviously, upload the contents daily at agreed time. I could write a long paragraph about how exciting these workloads are but I’m going to bore you (because I’m not really good at writing), you just need to experience it first hand!

What I’m so grateful about is that not only we had given team tasks but we also got a chance to learn by our own. We had given a chance to experience making contents across platforms. For example, I’m a marketing team member on Facebook squad but individually I could make contents for blog where I could sharpen my writing skills and understand its analytics as well.

Understanding the team’s complexities as well as differences and adapting to their preferences, communication patterns, and working styles were the most important to me. I’ve learned tons of lessons during my internship period and those are just few examples. I’ve managed to increase my self-confidence, speak out more, think creatively, and many other technical skills such as presentation skill, creative design, how to write properly, and many others. I can safely say that those soft skills aforementioned are due to the people at COME who’s very encouraging and spark only inspirations throughout the company’s atmosphere.

Batik Squad

Since the first week of my internship period, each intern were put into squads and I had been put into a squad called Batik squad which is an in-charge team that handles Facebook. As I’ve mentioned in the previous section that this squad was what a dream team is like for me, making my internship life more colorful and fun. To be honest, I was so anxious to start this internship experience but these guys turned my perspective 180 degrees.

Batik squad consisted of five people with different characteristics, specialties, backgrounds which I think that made us so bonded. I could safely say that these guys made me speak my mind more which I was very afraid before, I gained my self-confidence partly due to them as well, and we somehow managed to gather creative ideas through full-of-laughter conversation. and It’s possible.

Within three months of internship, I’ve met so many interesting and hardworking people. Not only in my squad, but also across squad/division. They have inspired me so much up until now which help me to make daily decision in my everyday life.

[P.S. Batik Squad! I love you, guys! No, I know it’s cringe but I’m so thankful to be a part of our one-of-a-kind squad, truly. Wish you nothing but happiness. See you and good luck for you guys’ future endeavors]

The final of this wonderful experience was marked by making an internship graduation video as well as this article being published where I basically tell everybody how my three-month-experience working as an intern at COME. From being anxious on what to come, to gain hella significant self-confidence and happy being. I’m quite proud to say that I’ve been this lucky to have these kind of opportunities to experience, which I’m forever thankful.

I can safely say, no matter how much I’ve said it, but this is probably the most exciting experience I have ever had. I had a really hard time to figure out what I had experienced during my internship in the making of this article since I didn’t know how to wrap every single thing up into one blog article because everyday was a learning experience at COME.

Thank you so much, COME. Truly. Thank you, so much.

Join COME in the next internship application! Get to know COME now by visiting here and here or on Instagram: @come_id

