Your favorite green character from a TV show or movie/March Writing Challenge

Day 12: Beast Boy’s Loveable Mess

A Fond Look at My Favorite Green Character

Susie Winfield
3 min readMar 12, 2023


[photo from Beast Boy’s Facebook fan page]

Let’s be honest, we all have a favorite character from a TV show or movie. And for me, that character is Beast Boy from Teen Titans. Yeah, I like cartoons, so what?

Forced to Watch Teen Titans

When my son was little, he was obsessed with Teen Titans, which meant I was forced to watch hours of episodes. But honestly, I didn’t mind too much. I was usually playing The Sims on my computer while the show played in the background. But then, something happened. I started taking an interest in the little green shape-shifting character who seemed to annoy all of his roommates, including his love interest, Raven.

The Appeal of Beast Boy

What makes Beast Boy so appealing to me? For starters, he’s not your typical superhero. He’s not always the strongest or the bravest, but he always tries his best. Plus, he’s green! How many other green characters do you know in TV and movies? Only a handful.

But what really sets Beast Boy apart is his personality. He’s messy, he’s silly, and he’s always making jokes. He doesn’t…

