Martial Arts to Pelvic Pain

Dr. Susie Gronski, DPT, PRPC, WCS
2 min readApr 12, 2018


One Man’s Journey

Michael Hodge is an expert in navigating his way out of pelvic pain. I always tell my patients that you’re the number one expert in treating yourself and you’ve got the potential to overcome even the toughest struggles.

I met Michael from watching his intimate interview with Dr. Bri Grogan on her FemFusion Fitness YouTube channel. This interview inspired me to reach out to Michael so he can share his message with all of you. It’s not easy talking about your private parts in public, let alone talk about an issue you’re having ‘down below’. This is such a personal topic that can often leave you feeling isolated and alone. Michael’s been kind and courageous enough to share his story with you in hopes to help you or someone you know struggling with pelvic pain find help, support and comfort as you navigate through your own health journey.

If you’re a man suffering from pelvic pain, know that you’re not alone. Listen to the episode to find hope and learn tips to help you navigate through your journey.

If you would like to ask Michael a direct message, you can send an email

Thanks for giving us hope Michael 💙

Despite suffering from pelvic pain, Michael still finds time to find meaning in his life.

Check out his recent passions 👇

Online Martial Arts School —
BookLingual —
The Abundance Projects —

Stop Chasing Pain and Start Living Life.
Get Your Roadmap to Recovery And Life Free From Pelvic Pain



Dr. Susie Gronski, DPT, PRPC, WCS

I'm a licensed doctor of physical therapy and certified pelvic rehabilitation practitioner. Simply put, I'm the doctor for everything 'down there.'