Humbling Yourself To The Twin Flame Mirror Is Your Progress

Susie Puga
4 min readFeb 5, 2024

Your Twin Flame isn’t only your mirror when it’s easy to look at the mirror; they’re also your perfect mirror when it’s really hard to look at the mirror.

If your Twin Flame person — the person you believe is your Twin Flame — is acting in a way that is hurtful, difficult, or seemingly incomprehensible….that sucks and it’s valid to feel that way.

It’s okay to feel bummed and stuck. It’s okay to feel mad.

And yet, there is difference between feeling the “this sucks” feeling and digging your heels into it without moving through the spiritual challenge presented to you.

Let’s talk about things that will never get you what you want:

  1. Quitting your journey

That is, if ascension with your true Twin Flame is what you desire.

2. Blaming your current problems on your Twin Flame

Blaming is an energy of disempowerment, putting your peace outside of you.

3. Waiting for your Twin Flame to get their s*** together.

