Twin Flames: Walking Through Your Cave of Fear And Why It Might Be Worth It.

Susie Puga
Twin Flames — Divine Love
6 min readNov 13, 2023


On February 17th, 2017, and yes, I remember the date because I checked my old journals, I sat crying on a park bench. My friend eventually came to pick me up and offer support, but I was wailing, feeling like my soul was being torn from my body. Why? Well, it was the moment I officially acknowledged that I was in Twin Flame separation, and my Twin Flame was with another person, commonly referred to as a “third party” on the internet. This may sound dramatic, perhaps even delusional to some of you, but I was genuinely heartbroken.

The Cave of Fear

What I didn’t know at the time was that I was confronting my Cave of Fear on the Twin Flame Journey. You see, one of my greatest fears, though I wasn’t entirely aware of it then, was rejection and betrayal. I feared giving my Love to someone only for it to lead to nowhere. This fear had roots in an earlier relationship during my adolescence, and I didn’t realize how deeply I had internalized that experience as the impending truth of what would happen in my next relationship.

When I delved deeper into understanding the Twin Flame Journey, I realized it was the romantic relationship I had always sought in my heart. And yet, I couldn’t comprehend why I felt so utterly rejected and heartbroken. That night, I almost gave up…

