The Fire Inside You.

Rob Skippen
1 min readDec 12, 2022


There is a fire burning inside everyone.

This fire may be a small spark, or it may be the blazing conflagration of a forest fire. But it is there, there in every living human being.

This fire is your life force, your inner power, your inner strength, your passion.

It is constant but not consistent. Because just like a forest fire, your inner fire can be quelled, and almost, but not quite extinguished. And, a spark, if fed and given oxygen to breath can grow and develop into a mighty inferno.

The intensity of your inner fire determines the nature of your journey through life.

Some people act as firefighters, and try to extinguish your fire – stay away from these people.

Some people are arsonists and try to stir up your fire for their own ends – stay away from these people too.

Be content to be with those who respect your inner fire, those who will respect it and nurture it. Those who would treat your inner flame as they treat their own.



Rob Skippen

I am a fifty-something man who has just discovered the power of me!