Merkle Trees Explained: How They Work and Their Applications in Technology

Sutanu Dutta
4 min readOct 16, 2023


In the world of computer science we have many data structures that make our life easy but in the engineering academic world they don’t get the exposer they deserve. We all know what is Binary Tree, B+ tree etc and also more complex tree structures like Red-Black Tree, Segment Tree etc. Today we will explore one such data structure which doesn’t get a lot of limelight.

In the world of computer science and cryptography, Merkle trees are a fundamental data structure that plays a critical role in ensuring the integrity and security of data. Named after Ralph Merkle, who patented the concept in 1979, Merkle trees are widely used in various applications, including blockchain technology, file verification, and distributed systems.

What is Merkle Tree?

A Merkle tree, also known as a hash tree, is a binary tree structure where each leaf node represents a data block or a piece of information. The internal nodes of the tree, instead of holding the data itself, store a cryptographic hash of their child nodes. The tree is constructed by recursively hashing pairs of child nodes until a single root hash is obtained.

Why do we need a new Tree structure?

We have so many tree types but most of them store the underlying data. When we have use cases where we need to ensure the integrity of data or chunk of data, existing tree structures are not very efficient. Those are the problems Merkle tree solves.

Usage of Merkle Tree:

Merkle trees serve several essential purposes in computer science and various fields, making them a valuable data structure for a wide range of applications. Here are some of the key reasons why we need Merkle trees:

  1. Data Integrity: Merkle trees are primarily used to ensure the integrity and authenticity of data. By constructing a tree of cryptographic hash values from individual data blocks, any change or tampering of the data becomes detectable. If any leaf node is altered, it will result in a different hash value, and this change propagates up the tree, ultimately affecting the root hash. This property is crucial in applications where data consistency and security are paramount.
  2. Efficient Verification: Merkle trees enable efficient and rapid verification of data integrity. When you need to verify the authenticity of a particular data block or a set of blocks, you don’t have to examine the entire dataset. Instead, you only need the hash values on the path from the leaf node to the root node. This dramatically reduces the computational effort required for verification.
  3. Compact Data Representation: Merkle trees provide a compact representation of a large dataset. The root hash of the tree essentially summarizes the entire dataset. This can be especially advantageous in situations where transmitting or storing the entire dataset is impractical due to size constraints, such as in blockchain technology.
  4. Blockchain Technology: In blockchain technology, Merkle trees are a core component. They are used to bundle and hash transactions within a block, and the root hash is included in the block header. This allows anyone to quickly verify that a specific transaction is part of a block without downloading the entire blockchain, contributing to the decentralised and unreliable nature of blockchain networks.
  5. Peer-to-Peer Networks: Distributed systems, including peer-to-peer networks, often use Merkle trees to ensure data consistency among nodes. Nodes can quickly verify that they have the same data as their peers by comparing root hashes. This is essential for maintaining a coherent and consistent network.
  6. File Verification: Merkle trees are employed in various file-sharing and data storage systems like BitTorrent. They allow users to verify that the pieces of a file they download are genuine and untampered. This enhances data security and trustworthiness in distributed environments.
  7. Certificate Revocation Lists: In Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), Merkle trees are used in Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs). This helps in efficiently checking the revocation status of digital certificates, which is a crucial aspect of secure communication.
  8. Data Deduplication: Merkle trees can optimise storage systems by detecting and eliminating duplicate data blocks. This is particularly important in data backup and storage scenarios, where minimizing redundant data can lead to significant storage space savings.

Implementation of Merkle Tree:

The implementation is simple. We need the whole data space information to create a Merkle tree. The tree can be reconstructed based on addition or deletion of data. Any common hash function would be employed to create a node which would contain host value. The root node would contain the hash of entire data space.

I have created a repo with an initial implementation of a generic Merkle Tree:

Usage of Merkle Tree in Industry:

Blockchain Technology: Wallet software and cryptocurrency exchanges utilise Merkle trees to verify transaction history and wallet balances securely.

File Sharing and Data Storage: BitTorrent clients use Merkle trees to verify the integrity of downloaded file pieces and to ensure the authenticity of shared content.

DB Replication: Dynamo DB uses Merkle tree to validate the data integrity between multiple replica and also optimise the amount of data transfer between replicas by precisely calculating data chunks that need to be transferred.

Security: Various Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) software and certificate authorities use Merkle trees to efficiently check the revocation status of digital certificates.


Merkle trees are a fundamental data structure that provides efficient data verification and security in various real-world applications. Understanding how to construct and implement Merkle trees is crucial for anyone working with data integrity, security, or blockchain technology. As technology continues to evolve, Merkle trees will remain a cornerstone for ensuring the trustworthiness of data in distributed and decentralised systems.


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Sutanu Dutta

Senior software engineer and system design enthusiast. I am passionate about Computer science and write about data structure and software architecture.