Responding to Global Boiling: A Call to Action for Supreme Audit Institutions

Sutthi Suntharanurak
4 min readJul 28, 2023


What if I told you our planet is on the stove, slowly being brought to a boil? It's a disturbing image but not far from reality. In fact, this simmering condition is what United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has called "global boiling," a term he coined to emphasize the increasingly severe impacts of climate change on our world.

With rising sea levels, extreme weather events, biodiversity loss, and potentially massive displacements of people, global boiling isn't something we can afford to ignore.

Antonio Guterres
Source : UN

The question is, how can Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), the watchdogs that monitor government actions and spending, adapt to this new reality?

A Proactive Approach

SAIs have an integral role in the fight against global boiling. While they've been auditing climate change initiatives for years, the boiling pot demands an even more proactive stance. This involves not only scrutinizing government responses to climate change but also intensifying their efforts to hold governments accountable for actions—or inactions—towards global boiling.

Fiscal Responsibility

Ensuring fiscal responsibility in the fight against global boiling is critical. SAIs need to assess whether public funds allocated for mitigation and adaptation strategies are being spent effectively and achieving intended results.

Policy Effectiveness

In this era of global boiling, SAIs also have a responsibility to evaluate the effectiveness of government policies and initiatives. They must ask the hard questions:

Are these measures working? Are they enough to address the increasing severity of climate change effects?

Promoting Transparency

Trust and transparency are more important than ever. As unbiased observers, SAIs must shine a light on the government's efforts against global boiling. Their objective reports can expose inefficiencies and mismanagement, encouraging a more effective and transparent approach.

Leading by Example

Beyond auditing, SAIs can also contribute to fighting global boiling by demonstrating sustainable practices. By implementing eco-friendly measures in their operations and promoting environmental consciousness, SAIs can lead by example.

Upskilling for New Challenges

As the challenges of global boiling evolve, so too must the skills and knowledge of SAIs. Investing in training, learning new audit methodologies related to climate change, and participating in global knowledge sharing networks are vital.

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres' concept of global boiling is a clarion call for action. As global temperatures rise, so too should the efforts of SAIs in auditing governments' responses. In the face of global boiling, the watchdogs must turn up the heat on accountability and transparency. The future of our planet depends on it.

Auditing Climate Change: A Necessary Mission for Supreme Audit Institutions

As our planet continues to warm, and the impacts of climate change become increasingly severe, the necessity for Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) to take a proactive stance in auditing climate change is not just a trend—it's an urgent mission.

Climate change auditing is about more than checking boxes. It's about ensuring governments are held accountable for their responses to a warming planet, about scrutinizing public spending on climate initiatives, and about evaluating the effectiveness of policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to changing circumstances.

SAIs are well positioned to assess whether government strategies are delivering the promised environmental benefits. They can use their powers of examination to encourage transparency, expose inefficiencies, and suggest necessary improvements. But it's not just about holding others to account. SAIs can also lead by example, embedding sustainable practices within their own operations.

This mission demands SAIs to be in tune with the rapidly evolving knowledge in the field of climate science. They need to be aware of both the global best practices in climate change adaptation and mitigation, as well as the specific climate vulnerabilities of their own nations. The challenge calls for auditors with skills to understand and analyze complex climate data and to assess the effectiveness of climate policies and expenditures.

The mission of auditing climate change is not an option—it's a necessity.

SAIs have a role in ensuring that our governments are taking effective and fiscally responsible action against global boiling. The urgency of climate change requires the auditors to turn up the heat on accountability, transparency, and action. After all, our shared future depends on it.

Dr. Sutthi Suntharanurak



Sutthi Suntharanurak

Government auditor from Thailand and the researcher in the accountability area. He defined himself as "Auditonomist" that came from economist and auditor.