My Career Evolution from Aspring Academic to Talent & Growth at Apziva

Elifsu Sacbuken
2 min readSep 25, 2023


Before embarking on my career journey with apziva, I followed a path that was deeply rooted in my passion for learning and self-improvement. I studied American Culture and Literature, a field that nurtured my curiosity and desire to understand the intricacies of human expression and communication.

My relentless pursuit of self-improvement led me to pursue a Master’s degree in the same field, where I delved deeper into the nuances of culture and literature. Despite my academic pursuits, I always had a burning desire to explore a career that involved extensive communication with people, particularly in Human Resources.

As a fresh graduate, I ventured into the world of education, starting my career as an English teacher. While I enjoyed this role, my heart still longed to be an HR professional. I believed that my ability to connect with and understand people could be a valuable asset in the HR field. However, breaking into this domain proved to be a challenge. Many doors closed, but one remained open — Apziva.

Apziva, as an organization, saw potential in me when others did not. As a fresh graduate, their belief in my abilities and their willingness to provide me with an opportunity in HR was a pivotal moment in my career. I cannot express how thrilled I am to be a part of this company that values and invests in its employees’ growth and development.

One remarkable initiative that Apziva offers is the AI Residency program, designed for aspiring data scientists. This program enables individuals to work on real-world projects, gaining invaluable industry experience. Apziva’s mission is to empower aspiring data scientists to earn practical experience, and they integrate this mission into their hiring policies.

By affording me the chance to join Apziva, they not only fulfilled my dream of entering the HR field but also demonstrated their commitment to nurturing talent and providing opportunities to those willing to learn and grow. I am immensely grateful for this chance to work with a company that aligns with my career aspirations and values my potential.

In conclusion, my journey to apziva has been one of personal and professional growth. It is a testament to the power of belief and opportunity in shaping one’s career. I am excited to continue learning and contributing to the dynamic and forward-thinking environment that Apziva has cultivated.

