VPN server setup complete guide — making money using WinQ

Dido Ma
6 min readApr 9, 2018


WinQ is the world’s first decentralised VPN service crowdsourcing platform.

This guide consists of 3 sections

  • Setup a VPN server on AWS
  • Connect to the VPN server and generate the client configuration file
  • Register a VPN asset in the WinQ dApp

Setup a VPN server on AWS

Amazon Web Services offers one year of free virtual server space, we recommend the WinQ users who are interested in registering VPN assets.

  • Apply for the free tier server on AWS
  • Change the settings in the security group to ‘All traffic’,
  • Be reminded that you will have to download the key pair in the process.

Choose an Amazon Machine Image

Here choose a t2.micro instance that’s also free tier eligible. Click “Review and Launch.”

Remember to Edit Security Groups, modify settings for type to one rule, ‘All traffic’

Create a new key pair, create a key pair name , remember to download the key pair in your local file folder

This page indicates that you have successfully launched an instance.

Connect your PC to the VPN server

Step-by-step guide video is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoRKG3P4a6o

To continue with the VPN server setup, you need to install xshell and xftp.

Login to your AWS server in Xshell as per the following instruction.

  1. Create a new session in Xshell and input your own IP address as shown in the image.

2. User identity validation.

  • 1.Select ‘public key’.
  • 2.For free server set up on AWS, enter ‘ec2-user’ for the username.
  • 3.import the .pem file(key pair) you download and click on ‘confirm’.

3. Connect

Your are connected to your virtual PC on AWS if the lines are as shown in the image below

4. Set your password for root

Input ‘sudo passwd’, set your password, input a second time to confirm your password.

Then input ‘su’

5. Copy the script for setting up a openvpn server to the virtual PC on AWS.

6. Run the script for setting up a openvpn server

7.Go back to xshell, input

cd /home/ec2-user/openvpn_sh to open the open_sh file

8. Modify the permissions on the script by entering

chmod +x build start gen_client

9. Input


10. When you see a line saying ‘certificate and configuration have been created’, the VPN server has been set up successfully.

11.Enable openvpn to run in the background. Input

nohup ./start

12. Input

ps -elf|grep openvpn

When you see the line as highlighted in the image below, your VPN has been enabled to run in the background.

13. Input

./gen_client to generate the client configuration file.

The line as highlighted in the image above indicates the configuration file has been created successfully.

14. Copy the client configuration file to your PC in xftp.

Find the file at the location /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa ,copy the .rar package to your PC.

15. Unzip the .rar file to get .ovpn file, this is the configuration file to be imported to the WinQ dApp for connecting to the VPN server.

Register your VPN asset in the WinQ dApp

Aside from registering VPN assets and connecting to our global VPN servers on the WinQ crowd-sourcing platform, we just elevated the art of playing around with WinQ to a combo of utility and recreation by introducing a new gambling mechanism.

Doubled fun with grabbing other’s asset names!

Before proceeding to setting up a VPN server on your device, please download or transfer the OpenVPN configuration file to your device and unzip it. Also keep in mind the location where you save the file for later use.

  1. Access the VPN configuration screen from the VPN assets list.

Tap on the ‘+’ icon in the top right corner.

2. VPN assets registration screen

  • Choose the location of your VPN server.
  • Choose a name for your VPN asset which is visible to all your potential VPN clients.
  • Import the configuration file (.ovpn) from your local file folder.
  • Enter the private key/ username and password that requires to connect to the VPN server if there is any.

Please be reminded the above information has to be consistent with the corresponding settings in the configuration file.

  • Set the maximum number of devices allowed to connect to your VPN server and your intended QLC rewards per hour in return.

PS: For the purpose of providing your VPN clients with fast and stable VPN connectivity, you are strongly recommended to enable WinQ dApp to run in the background on your devices through changing the Android system settings.

3. Verification of the configuration file.

If your configuration file does not get through any of the verification step, please go back to the configuration screen and check on the information you have filled out.

4. You have successfully setup a VPN server as well as registered a VPN asset in WinQ! From now on you might find a new way to boost your QLC earnings! Enjoy!

Boom,Easter egg!

Run this script and grab your configuration file!;


