Jesus Took Our Suffering Upon Himself

Suwandy Tjin
2 min readMar 28, 2018


I lost my job two weeks before Christmas last year. By this time, it has been three months that I am unemployed. This isn’t actually the first time I was unemployed though. At least four times in my career I found myself without a job.

Each time I became unemployed, it was hard not to feel depressed or discouraged. It was hard not to at least worry about my financial situation. And it was especially hard not to blame myself or think that I was in that situation because of my sins.

I would find solace and hope, however, knowing that God is not going to let me suffer. I find encouragement knowing that I was not jobless because God is punishing my sins. I did not become unemployed because God has a spite with me. On the contrary, Jesus took on all the sufferings and hardship that I was supposed to receive upon Himself.

Last week we touched upon the burnt offering and how Jesus became the scapegoat of our sins. Today we see what kind of suffering Jesus went through as He offered Himself to die on the cross. God gave the imagery of the grain offering to help us in that regard.

Leviticus 2:1

‘“ ‘When anyone brings a grain offering to the Lord, their offering is to be of the finest flour. They are to pour olive oil on it, put incense on it ‘

The grain offering can be offered in three different ways: on a griddle, in a skillet, an inside an oven. Each of these represents how Jesus suffered.

Offering grain on a griddle, or an open fire, represent Jesus’ physical suffering. This is what the spectators and soldiers were able to see from the outside. Jesus physical suffering was so great that calling him disfigured would be an understatement.

Offering grain on a skillet, a pan with long handle, represent how Jesus suffered in His soul. Although we cannot see the fire, we can feel the heat. This is a mental or psychological suffering. Jesus may have felt betrayed, abandoned, unjustified as he hung on the cross.

Offering grain in an oven, represent how His spirit suffered. This is hardest to see for anyone, but at that point, Jesus took on the combined weight of all humanity’s sins. Past, present and future sins, along with its supposed punishment, was on Jesus that day.

Knowing how Jesus suffered so greatly for me, I have great confidence that He did it so I don’t have to. And indeed, each time I was unemployed, I never had to go hungry, nor homeless. God continued looking after me because Jesus has taken my sufferings away. He can do the same and even more for you.

God Bless,


