Why A Morning Routine is Important?

Suyash H. Varma
3 min readJul 6, 2023


What’s the first thing you do when you wake up? Check your WhatsApp or Instagram, maybe? or if you’re a professional working with people across different time zones, you check your emails immediately after you get up. The first thing we reach out to after opening our eyes is our mobile phone. And that’s when the crisis starts to kick in.

What Crisis? Creative obstruction by digital distraction. The human brain is not designed to multi-task. We’re still linked to our primitive habit of focusing on one task at a time.

Every time you start your day being distracted by the flood of irrelevant information, you move one step closer to losing your creative self.

Our ancestors were nomadic people. They traveled in search of food and shelter — often referred to as hunter-gatherers. They feared unknown territories and wanted everything planned. We’ve come a long way from being hunter-gatherers, but our primitive brain is still wired primitively. It wants to keep you in your comfort zone. It fears the unknown. It asks for certainty and wants to be informed of the next step.

And that’s why when you check your mobile phone first thing in the morning, your primitive brain gets a signal that this is how you want your next 24 hours to be. So, when you try to move out of your comfort zone and be productive, your brain resists. It releases cortisone — the stress hormone. It procrastinates. It doesn’t want you to leave your comfort zone.

Still not sure about the ‘comfort zone’ theory? Try this right away:
Step 1: Find the most used app (for most of us, it is Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, or Twitter) — Let’s take Instagram for this example.
Step 2: Replace the location of the app. Shift it from your home screen or from the place it has always been located — For our example, let’s suppose we replaced the location of Instagram with an app for math puzzles.
Step 3: Keep your mobile down for an hour and continue with your regular activities (not necessarily productive)

After an hour or so, when you’ll subconsciously pick up your phone, you will find that your hand automatically moves to the location where your most used app was located (Instagram in our example) and despite realizing the fact that you have moved Instagram to some other location, it will open the app that’s located in place of Instagram (Math Puzzle App in our example). Why? The primitive brain doesn’t want you to leave your comfort zone.

And that’s why it is extremely important to set the tone of the day by setting up a morning routine. Here’s a list of four simple things you can follow:

  • Keep your mobile phone at a minimum of 10 feet distance from your bed. Trust me, unless you are running a country, nobody would need you to pick up the call within 7 seconds.
  • When you get up the next morning, make your bed. It takes 3 minutes. You won’t miss anything in those 3 minutes.
  • Unless you’re running short of time (such as a scheduled meeting in 5 mins or any emergency call from a relative), avoid touching your mobile phone for the first 20 minutes after you wake up.
  • In these 20 minutes, write down your goals (not on your mobile, get a notebook), enjoy nature, think about things that make you happy, meditate, or just sit and relax.

These are quick, simple, and proven methodologies to set the tone of your day. As you master these, you can proceed to follow complex morning rituals.

Always remember, the mind is a terrible master, but a wonderful servant. Success is difficult to attain for one whose mind is unbridled and distracted. However, those who have learned to eliminate these distractions can attain perfection of their crafts.



Suyash H. Varma

Writing about Mindful Productivity and Introversion | Learning Experience Designer | Founder President, Wake Up India Foundation.