Google’s New Free Machine Learning Crash Course — MLCC

Suyog Gunjal
2 min readMar 18, 2018


On March 2nd 2018, Google announced their Machine Learning Crash Course (MLCC) with the world. MLCC is one of the most popular courses created for Google engineers. The course develops intuition around fundamental machine learning concepts.

Google wants to teach more people AI and machine learning with a free online course.

Machine learning and AI are some of the biggest topics in the tech world right now, and Google is looking to make those fields more accessible to more people with its new Learn with Google AI website.

  1. Google's Learn with Google AI is a free resource center for people at all tech experience levels to find lessons, tutorials, and hands-on exercises to hone machine learning and AI skills.
  2. Google's machine learning crash course with TensorFlow APIs offers a free, fast-paced introduction to machine learning concepts.

Learn with Google AI” is a new educational addition to a site originally announced at the I/Odeveloper conference last year. In recent years, the company has repeatedly stated that its goal is to democratize AI and make its tool available for everyone.

AI can solve complex problems and has the potential to transform entire industries, which means it’s crucial that AI reflect a diverse range of human perspectives and needs. That’s why part of Google AI’s mission is to help anyone interested in machine learning succeed.

The course is listed as roughly 15 hours, with interactive lessons, lectures from Google researchers, and over 40 exercises included. It’s designed for newcomers with no machine learning experience whatsoever, although Google does recommend that course takers have a mastery of intro-level algebra and some proficiency in programming basics and Python. The MLCC is also the first of what Google intends to be many courses and resources available through the new hub, with more to come soon.





Suyog Gunjal
Suyog Gunjal

Written by Suyog Gunjal

Mobile & Web App Developer | Google Certified Android Developer | Fullstack IoT Developer | Trainer & Mentor

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