Unveiling the Truth: The Hamas-Israel War and Global Power Dynamics


Suyog Waditke
4 min readOct 13, 2023

The Hamas-Israel war is a complex and deeply rooted conflict that has captured the world’s attention for decades. It’s a topic laden with religious, political, economical, and humanitarian implications, and understanding truth in the ongoing war between Hamas and Israel requires a closer look at the multifaceted dynamics at play. In this blog, we’ll delve into the the aspects of how global powers influences the dynamics of this protracted conflict, and how its strategies contribute to shaping outcomes that align with its interests.

Historical Background:

To truly comprehend the conflict, we must travel back in time. The roots of the Hamas-Israel war can be traced to the late 19th century when Zionist Jews began migrating to Palestine, then under Ottoman rule. The desire for a Jewish homeland and the subsequent declaration of the State of Israel in 1948 led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs, sparking tensions that continue to this day.

Key Players:

  1. Hamas: Hamas, an acronym for Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya (the Islamic Resistance Movement), is a Palestinian political and military organization. While it’s labeled as a terrorist group by some countries, it enjoys considerable support in Gaza and the West Bank.
  2. Israel: Established in 1948, Israel has been a central figure in the conflict. Its policies regarding settlements in the West Bank, security concerns, and military operations have been significant factors.
  3. Palestinian Authority: The PA, led by the Fatah party, governs parts of the West Bank and is recognized internationally. It has been involved in various negotiations with Israel over the years.
  4. International Actors: Numerous countries and organisations, including the United States, the United Nations, and neighbouring Arab states, have tried to influence the conflict for their interest.

INSTC (International North–South Transport Corridor):

The International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) is a multi-modal transportation network that aims to connect India to Europe via Iran, Azerbaijan, and Russia. It facilitates the movement of goods between South Asia, Central Asia, and Europe by road, rail, and sea routes. INSTC serves as an alternative trade route to the traditional sea routes and is intended to reduce transportation costs by 30% and transit times for cargo by 40% approximately. It plays a significant role in enhancing trade and economic cooperation among the participating countries.

India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC)

The India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) is a robust transportation network that includes rail, road, and sea routes, designed to connect India, the Middle East, and Europe. This initiative seeks to optimize transportation efficiency, lower costs, foster economic cooperation, create job opportunities, and reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.

IMEC is anticipated to play a transformative role in integrating Asia, Europe, and the Middle East by promoting trade and enhancing connectivity across the regions.

Economic Importance of Israel and Global Power Dynamics:

Israel enjoys a strategically beneficial geographical location, bounded by the Mediterranean Sea to the west, Europe to the north, the resource-rich Middle East to the east, and the critical Suez Canal to the west, connecting the Indian Ocean to Europe. Control or influence over this region can substantially bolster economic prosperity, subsequently increasing political power. Currently, the United States exerts significant influence in this area.

Nonetheless, recent geopolitical developments pose potential challenges to this position. Initiatives like the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) propose more efficient trade routes, potentially undermining the traditional pathways.

The INSTC and BRI, advocated by some of the United States’ geopolitical rivals, including Russia, Iran, and China, have the potential to reshape regional dynamics. In response, the United States has initiated the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) in collaboration with India, Middle Eastern nations, including Israel, and Europe, to preserve its influence and adapt to evolving economic and political landscapes.

Ensuring peace and stability in the region is of utmost importance for the USA and other stakeholders in the IMEC initiative. This goal can be accomplished through diplomatic efforts, counter destabilizing elements, and fostering regional cooperation and economic development. One crucial aspect of addressing these challenges is finding a resolution to the Israel-Palestine issue, which has been a persistent source of instability in the region and a hindrance to collaboration among Middle Eastern nations as well as economical developments. This factor could be one of the reasons why many Middle East nations choose not to involve themselves in the Israel-Hamas conflict and interested in the lasting resolution. A lasting resolution could encompass various possibilities, including the complete elimination of HAMAS.

Several actions by Washington have raised questions. These include suspending military aid to Ukraine just before heightened tensions, the absence of advance warning to Israel regarding Hamas preparations for armed actions, and the suspension of the Middle East Quartet (comprising Russia, EU, US, and UN), initially established to address the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Additionally, it’s noteworthy that even MOSSAD, considered one of the world’s top-secret agencies, did not anticipate the HAMAS attack. Some may wonder if there’s a strategic motive behind expecting HAMAS to initiate conflict, potentially leading to a lasting resolution for the Israel-Palestine issue.


Maintaining peace and stability in the IMEC region is vital for the USA and other stakeholders. This requires diplomacy, addressing destabilizing factors, and fostering cooperation and development. Resolving the Israel-Palestine issue is key to stability and collaboration.

Washington’s recent actions, including Ukraine’s aid suspension just before heightened tensions and no intel on Hamas’s attack, raise questions. The unexpected nature of the attack sparks speculation about strategic motives in the Israel-Palestine issue.

