50 Affirmations You Can Use For Relationship and Love

That’s the power of love

Suzan Dalia


Your love life is maybe going downhill and the relationship is falling apart. Your heart is broken into two pieces of paper and you’re confused as to why the relationship went from being on Cloud 9 to crashing into a tree. Maybe you’re giving more power to negativity than positivity.

It could be you’re unlucky with love and have problems attracting a partner. There is a barrier when you are looking for love and romance.

But you want to change for good. You want the spark back between you and your partner.

Affirmations are a great start to improve your love life and relationship. It’s being said it takes 21 days of using affirmations consistently to have a permanent change. Your subconscious mind receives the affirmations when you use them every day and make it a habit to affirm every day, just like brushing teeth every day.

I have 50 powerful affirmations for you to boost your love life and positively increase relationship.

  1. I find love everywhere I go.
  2. I deserve love and being loved.
  3. I love myself to the fullest
  4. I am a love magnet
  5. I am deserving of a long-lasting, fulfilling relationship
  6. Love is all around me, it’s everywhere I go
  7. My partner and I are in a loving, committed and strong relationship
  8. The love between my partner and I grow stronger every day
  9. Everywhere I go, I receive love everywhere
  10. My partner and I are deeply in love with each other every day
  11. My partner loves me every day that goes by
  12. I’m surrounded by love
  13. Love is my middle name
  14. I have the best partner in the world
  15. The power of love is inside me
  16. I attract good, loving, kind people into my life
  17. I remove the internal blockage that prevents me from receiving love
  18. I welcome love with open arms
  19. I’m happy and grateful for having loving people in my life
  20. I appreciate all that I have
  21. I give my relationship the attention it deserves
  22. My partner and I give physical contact to each other on a daily basis
  23. My partner and I are fully loyal to one another
  24. My partner and I have fun all the time
  25. My partner is supportive of me just as I am supportive of my partner
  26. My partner sees me as everything they have been looking for in a partner
  27. My partner and I feel comfortable and safe with each other
  28. My partner and I laugh every day
  29. I feel good being intimate with my partner
  30. My partner is crazy in love with me and I’m crazy in love with my partner
  31. Our love is stronger than argument and fights
  32. Love wins between my partner and I
  33. I am ready and open to receive love and blessings
  34. I welcome love with open arms and an open heart
  35. I am whole within myself and my partner is whole within himself/herself.
  36. I don’t have to do anything to be fully loved and happy within myself
  37. I’m good and beautiful enough the way I am
  38. I am happy to be completely myself in the relationship without being unrighteous judged
  39. I go through life with the help of my loved ones
  40. I now choose to love and approve of myself.
  41. I am now ready to accept a happy fulfilling relationship
  42. My partner and I have a perfect romantic relationship.
  43. Romance and sensuality are natural feelings in my relationship.
  44. I easily express my romantic feelings to my partner
  45. Love surrounds me, I completely open my heart to receiving love
  46. My natural loving nature attracts love to me like a magnet
  47. My partner is my soul mate and we love each other purely and unconditionally without judgment
  48. I now believe that relationships can be joyful and fun
  49. All my relationships are now loving and harmonious
  50. I release any desperation and allow love to find me

Your relationship with your partner will drastically improve and or if you’re single, you’ll notice how you’re receiving more love from people in your life, even those you haven’t heard from in a while.

Your love life and the relationship will become strong when you practice these love affirmations.

The main key is to believe and have faith without doubt while saying the affirmations with no expectations, otherwise, you won’t see much improvement in your love life.

Believe wholeheartedly that you deserve love and to be in a relationship with the best partner you’ve had. You’re loved by everyone and love yourself the way you are.

You will be blessed by love.

Disclaimer: I recommend not to be with someone who’s toxic, abusive, cheater, narcissistic, evil, cruel. Someone who’s 90% abusive and narcissistic is not worth it. You can find someone better where you have a more positive experience with than negative experience with.

I’m not a certified relationship/love expert.

Thank you for reading my article! My pen name is Suzan Dalia and I’m a writer. My goal is to write articles that her readers can think and learn from. I write anything like essays, health, wellness, lifestyle, personal stories. I share my wisdom, inspirations, and motivational content to lift people’s souls.

📷 Instagram: Suzandaliaa

