Suzanne Burton
3 min readOct 3, 2020


With a Float Tank experience being on my ‘wish list’ of things to do, I’m happy to say that I’ve been able to tick it off when I went to ‘The Float Space’ in Brisbane!

Just so you know what a Float Tank is: It’s letting go of most of your senses in an enclosed or lidless water tank filled with magnesium so that you can float easily and rest your body. It’s often done to calm your mind and explore your soul. It also has physical healing benefits.

While it was only a once off visit, such self care can be beneficial when done on a regular basis. You can’t do something like this on the cheap, however you can save money by purchasing a monthly membership.

I’ve compiled a list of ways you can embrace the Float Tank experience and make some big changes to your mindset.

- Get Ready. For the first time, you might take a while to get ready as you familiarise yourself to the room and read what you need to do. However, if you actually go on their website and watch their introductory video you will already know what to expect and can get settled into the tank asap so you make the most of your time. Did I mention that you do this nakey? Hahahah! So get undressed and into the tank as quickly as possible

- Turn your mobile off. It would be the absolute worst if you hear your mobile ringing and it wakes you out of your peaceful state

- Close the lid and turn off the lights. You absolutely need to do this if you want to have a meditative session. You can close the lid and have ambient lights on as well, however I felt that by having the lights turned off meant more of a sensory deprivation.

- Stop and gather yourself. At the end of the session relaxation music will begin to play and the water jets will start to softly work so that you become aware that your session is ending. Some people may take some time to readjust and become aware of their surroundings again to turn on the lights in the tank and be able to push the lid up. I found that I had lost complete concept of how far away things were and also how shallow the tank was! I ended up floundering around for a few minutes before realising I could easily just drop to my knees and still reach everything. Hahahahah!

- Keep the mindfulness going. After your session you can go into the ‘post tank’ area to dry your hair, apply some essential oils, have a tea, journal or even do some yoga. This is really going to top off your session if you take your time and be in the present moment. The ‘post tank’ glow will last all afternoon! My skin was looking great and I felt a stronger connection with Self.

What has your Float Tank experience been like?

Share in the comments!



Suzanne Burton

She is confident and has achieved worldly success. She has the loving family, the career, the home, but knows there’s a piece missing. The piece is her soul.