UnStuck 343

Suzanne Castle
2 min readFeb 20, 2019
From US Toy Website

Do you remember the MAGIC 8-Ball?

The Magic 8 Ball is a toy used for seeking advice, developed in the 1950s and manufactured by the Mattel Toy Company. The user asks a question to the large plastic ball, then turns it over to reveal a written answer which appears on the surface of the toy.

Using this same concept, we will have a creative practice adventure today! And no, you don’t need to locate one in a vintage toy store or some such, in fact, you will only need your imagination…. and maybe some paper if you want to keep track

Think of 8–10 answers… random. For example: YES, NO, MAYBE, NOT QUITE YET, ABSOLUTELY SO, etc. You could write these down fortune-cookie style and put in a pile, if you like. Now take a sheet of paper and write a question about WHATEVER YOU LIFE, including a stuck mode of your life, a project from work, etc. And draw from the pile.

Now keep track of the answer, and imagine all the different ways that ONE answer to that question could be in the world.


My question was: Do I really have time to do this thing? And my answer was YOU ARE FABULOUS! So, then I journaled about all the fabulous ways I live my life, and the creative ways I can find more time, because I am that FABULOUSLY wonderful human. It gave me a great jumping off point to consider my circumstance, and the unusually helpful ways I could consider tackling the project. Make sense? (It kinda doesn’t HAVE to… I just want you to practice.) And if this seems too much, there is a ONLINE way to do this thing. GO HERE!

Go get your 8-ball Magic Self busy!



Suzanne Castle

Delighting in the creative. Throwing convention in the air. Imagining the world in a different way. Speaker. Author. Creative. Lov-er of Chocolate Dr. Pepper.