Is Tony Robbins doing Feldenkrais® with Internet Millionaires Frank Kern & John Reese?

Suzanne Kronisch
2 min readJan 23, 2016


Some say yes.

Some say no.

Whatever he did, Frank Kern and John Reese found it fascinating!

And effective.

Check it out.

In this marvelous interview with Internet multi-millionaires Frank Kern and John Reese, Tony Robbins extrapolates elements from what he refers to as “a stupid little physical technique” called Awareness Through Movement® (better known as Feldenkrais®), demonstrating that certainty and belief play a huge factor in our results, and how we can change in an instant.

Frank & John bring a challenge to Tony for his help in solving it. Watch as Tony discusses how having a mindset of certainty, embodying an outcome in advance, and taking massive action are essential parts of the conditioning and ritual necessary in any successful endeavor, whether that be athletics, business, performance, or engineering personal breakthroughs of all kinds.

“The movements are nothing. They’re an idiotic thing. What I’m after isn’t flexible bodies, but flexible brains.”

~ Moshe Feldenkrais

Tony Robbins refers to the work of thought leader Moshe Feldenkrais in his book Unlimited Power:

“We’re learning so much now about mind/body correlations that some people teach that all you really have to do is take care of your body. If your body is working at peak levels, your brain will work more effectively as well. The better you use your body the better your brain is going to work. That’s the essence of the work of Moshe Feldenkrais. He used movement to teach people how to think and how to live. Feldenkrais found that simply by working on a kinesthetic level, you can change your self-image, your state, and the overall functioning of your brain. In fact, he states that the quality of your life is the quality of your movement. His works are an invaluable source for creating human transformation through changing physiology in a very specific way.”

from Unlimited Power: the New Science Of Personal Achievement

For more cool posts about the Feldenkrais Method of Somatic Education®, check out the Embodied Learning category of the blog, Intention Into Action, and my Body of Knowledge fanpage on Facebook.

“The only thing permanent about our behavior patterns is our belief that they are so.”

~ Moshe Feldenkrais

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*No guarantee you’ll create massive success like Tony, Frank & John, ’cause they had to, and maybe you just want to. Big distinction.

Originally published at



Suzanne Kronisch

Follow me into the Jungle of the Internet . I’ll lead you confidently into the 21st Century ~ Feldenkrais Somatic & Social Media Marketing/Branding Education