Birdie Buffet update.. Nov. 24, 2024
There’s a definite chill in the air here, now. We’re not even close to freezing, yet, but we can feel the icy undertone.
The squirrels are getting the message loud & clear and at least twice a day they mob the patio, eager to grab peanuts to hide.
They make many more individual trips to my kitchen door, too, but it’s the frenzy when they arrive all at once, as if a bus just dropped them off in front of my house, that’s kind of amazing.
I just toss peanuts as fast as I can, talking to them in a very calm voice, encouraging them to be nice squirrels & reassuring them that there’s enough for everybody.
It’s like the Trick Or Treaters who show up in a big group on your front porch, all holding out their sacks at once.
I have to live up to my promise of bounty, and I just realized that my peanut supply is very low. That means I will need to make a Costco run right before Thanksgiving.
My logistical skills have failed me. Lordy. 🙄
Several crows are working the system and have figured out that the key to getting the big peanuts is to come by alone and quietly stand on the lawn across from the patio and look longingly at my kitchen window. A big shake of their feathers doesn’t hurt, either. Look hungry. It works. 😂
That enormous neighborhood cat came by yesterday, came right onto the patio and talked to me. Very plaintively. WHY must it leave the birds alone? Why, why, why!!
My kitchen door was open and the big kitty walked right inside and did a complete tour of my kitchen. I just watched. I stood aside and made way for its dignified exit.
This is obviously going to be an evolving relationship.
Sammy, Puff, Lefty, Brush all made multiple visits today. Lefty was very irritated that I initially didn’t recognize him and tried to offer him a peanut instead of his walnut halves. As soon as he gave a little growl, I corrected my mistake!
Sorry, dude.
The Steller’s Jays are in hyperdrive grabbing peanuts to hide, too. Everybody can feel winter stalking us.. the hummingbirds sit on their feeders for a very long time, without even drinking much nectar. They’re probably wondering why they decided to stop migrating south.