Suzette Rahn
3 min readApr 13, 2019

The Orgin Story

It’s 2010 and we are about to enbark on buying a house and blending a family with two teenagers and three younger children under the ages of seven. Seems simple, yes? The wedding and buying a house was simple; however, blending a family — not so much.

Drama — oh cats there was a lot of drama. The drama wasn’t just from within the newly formed family. It came from external sources too — ex-wife and the teenage kids stirring up the parents. Everything was my fault or the fault of the young children. As the new wife, you work feverishly so everyone can get along, no hard feelings and it’s big happy family.

It came to ahead in 2012 when the eight grade step-daughter and her friends made the decision to take several prescription medications in the bathroom at school. She, along with the other girls, were expelled from school.

As a parent one goes through all the emotions — anger, disbelief, hurt, upset, and blame. As a step-parent you go through those same emotions with a twist. The twist entails how do you shield your own children from the bad decision made, and the issues at hand are not your problem because it was created long before you came along but how can you help with the situation.

I dove into personal development and started reading books like “Three Feet from Gold”, “Think and Grow Rich”, “Lead with a Story” and hundreds of other books. In 2015 I attended a mastermind course in Florida on business and mindset that lead me to enrolling in the year long mastermind, and I re-enrolled again in 2016. That took the words of “I can’t” to “how can I” and gave me the ability to be around other like-minded entrepreneurs. The shift took me from a strict W-2 wage earner mind to “how can I” create my own destiny, income and desires.

In 2016 I enrolled in and graduated with my John C. Maxwell certification to be a trainer, speaker and coach. I continue to develop myself and helped others with personal direction and their mindset.

Sudden Death — In February 2017 my mom suddenly and unexpectedly passed, and that rocked my world. At that moment it came over me life is so short. Get serious about finding something you can do that allows you time with your kids, while earning an income. In March of that year I purchased a publishing business to create my own income stream. Unfortunately, 18 months later, I shut down the business due to misrepresentations in income. However, that didn’t deter me from my direction and desire to create my own economy.

Conflict — The day job boss became less than supportive. I went from walking on water with him to being questioned about everything I did. Out of the blue in October 2017, I received a scathing text message from the boss telling me I’m off salary effective immediately, I’ll be paid hourly, my hours must be verified and approved before being paid, and he will consider allowing me to keep my insurance benefits. Wow! What the heck? Now what? I have three kids to support.

Mindset Training — I buckled down and said take it as a blessing because your day job boss is allowing you the opportunity to build a business and create your own income. I began looking for an established business that ignited a fire in me. In January 2018 I purchased a marketing business. It was perfect — meet business owners, help them market their business, connect buyers with the businesses. Match made in Heaven. In November 2018 I turned it into a non-profit, created systems and processes, hired a local business coach and looked at expanding. Wow!

What I learned is my passion is in marketing, networking and being a connector. I wrote a marketing book on tips and strategies for marketing to giveaway to business owners. Today, my business is expanding, making connections with other businesses and partnering with organizations. Yes, I am still part time with the office boss but that will soon change and my own economy is soon to be created.

Don’t ever give up.