9/10 Love, Joy and Gratitude 💫

Suzy Rowlands
1 min readMay 9, 2023

🌹“Some people could be given an entire field of roses and only see the thorns in it.

🌼Others could be given a single weed and only see the wildflower in it.

🧠Perception is a key component to GRATITUDE. And gratitude a key component to JOY.”

~Amy Weatherly~


Life will always be complicated and throw us curve balls. Perhaps the key word above is ‘Choose’. We GET TO choose how we live moment by moment.


JOY is gladness not based on circumstances. It’s a brave choice to how we interact with any given moment and every person we meet.


GRATITUDE is the greatest hack to the goodness of the universe. It puts us in receptive mode and opens the doors for goodly things to come to us.


What are you grateful for right now? What else? Come back to that question throughout every day.


LOVE is the opposite of fear.

In life there are really only two choices. Fear or love.


Choosing love, joy and gratitude persistenly, courageously, even on the dark old days, brings unparreled healing to body, mind and spirit.

How will you choose joy today, in this moment?🌛

