Task 1.1 — Three screen app idea

2 min readJun 21, 2017


The idea we came up with is of Expense Calculator. It is a simple web app which will allow users to create/join groups, and for each group, they’ll be able to enter expense details and average amount to be paid to each group member will be calculated within user-specified date range.

We came up with this idea because we are living in a flat with 5 people, so everything from paying electricity bills, room rent etc. chores are done by each one of us in rotation. Now, we keep expense record logs in a copy. The problem faced was that if anyone of us went home for unspecified no. of days, how to calculate the expenses on a monthly basis. Thus, my partner Rajat came up with this idea of making an app which could calculate the same without any complications and errors in a simplified manner on a specified date range. This is the reason we chose to build this app.

To organize this idea into 3 screens, excluding login/register/logout screens, we came up with the following plan.

So this is what our final MVP (web app) will allow users to do :

We start up with the user profile page, which contains a list of the groups he/she is a member of, and an option to create or join more groups, this constitutes our first screen.

The second screen consists of the selected group from the first screen, here, details need to be entered by each user with their respective accounts, and listed for a user-specified date range. Now, after calculating, the average amount to be paid to current signed in user will be reflected and thus he/she will be able to recollect the expenses and can now clear dues before the deadline.

The third screen consists of create/join group, here, 2 options for creating or joining a group will be given and upon user interaction the name of group will be entered, which will update the no. of existing groups.

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