Ipconfig — Command Line Utility

Divya Vattikuti
3 min readDec 18, 2017


Ipconfig is a summon line utility accessible on all variants of Microsoft Windows beginning with Windows NT. ipconfig is intended to be keep running from the Windows summon provoke. This utility enables you to get the IP address data of a Windows PC. It additionally permits some control over dynamic TCP/IP associations. Ipconfig is a contrasting option to the more established ‘winipcfg’ utility.

Ipconfig Usage

From the order provoke, type ‘ipconfig’ to run the utility with default choices.

The yield of the default charge contains the IP address, organize veil and door for all physical and virtual system connectors.

Ipconfig underpins a few charge line alternatives as portrayed beneath. The summon “ipconfig/?” shows the arrangement of accessible choices.


This choice shows a similar IP tending to data for every connector as the default alternative. Also, it shows DNS and WINS settings for every connector.


This choice ends any dynamic TCP/IP associations on all system connectors and discharges those IP addresses for use by different applications. “pconfig/discharge” can be utilized with particular Windows association names. For this situation, the summon will influence just the predefined associations and not all. The order acknowledges either full association names or trump card names. Cases:

· ipconfig/discharge “Neighborhood 1”ipconfig/discharge *Local*


This alternative re-sets up TCP/IP associations on all system connectors.

Similarly as with the discharge choice, ipconfig/re-establish takes a discretionary association name specifier.

Both/restore and/discharge choices just work on customers designed for dynamic (DHCP) tending to.

Note: The rest of the alternatives underneath are just accessible on Windows 2000 and more up to date forms of Windows.

Ipconfig/showclassid, ipconfig/setclassid

These alternatives oversee DHCP class identifiers.

DHCP classes can be characterized by managers on a DHCP server to apply diverse system settings to various sorts of customers. This is a propelled highlight of DHCP commonly utilized as a part of business systems, not home systems.

Ipconfig/displaydns, ipconfig/flushdns

These alternatives get to a neighborhood DNS store that Windows keeps up. The/displaydns alternative prints the substance of the reserve, and the/flushdns choice eradicates the substance.

This DNS reserve contains a rundown of remote server names and the IP addresses (assuming any) they compare to. Passages in this store originate from DNS queries that happen when endeavoring to visit Web locales, named FTP servers, and other remote hosts. Windows utilizes this reserve to enhance the execution of Internet Explorer and other Web-based applications.

In home systems administration, these DNS choices are now and again helpful for cutting edge investigating. On the off chance that the data in your DNS store ends up noticeably ruined or obsolete, you could confront trouble getting to specific locales on the Internet. Think about these two situations:

· The IP address of a Web website, email server or other server changes (uncommon event). The name and address of this site regularly remain in your store for 24 hours after your last visit. You may need to clear your store to get to the server sooner.

· A Web website or other server was disconnected when you last went by it (ideally an uncommon event) yet since has returned on the web. The reserve will typically keep a record that the server is disconnected for 5 minutes after your last visit. You may need to clear your store to get to the server sooner.


Like the above alternatives, this choice updates DNS settings on the Windows PC. Rather than just getting to the neighborhood DNS reserve, be that as it may, this alternative starts correspondence with both the DNS server (and the DHCP server) to re-enroll with them.

This choice is valuable in investigating issues including an association with the Internet specialist co-op, for example, inability to get a dynamic IP deliver or inability to interface with the ISP DNS server ​​

Like the/discharge and/restore alternatives,/registerdns alternatively takes the name(s) of particular connectors to refresh. On the off chance that no name parameter is determined,/registerdns refreshes all connectors.

Ipconfig versus winipcfg

Before Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows bolstered a utility called winipcfg rather than ipconfig. Contrasted with ipconfig, winipcfg gave comparative IP address data yet through a primitive graphical UI instead of the charge line.

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