One and Done Review: How Effective Is the 7-Minute Workout?

Lauren Wagner
6 min readAug 26, 2023


You’ve probably heard about the One and Done Workout Program, promising fitness results in just 7 minutes. You’re skeptical — and rightly so! Can you really achieve your health goals so quickly?

We’ve dug deep into this program’s science, benefits, costs, and guarantees to give you an honest review. So, let’s uncover the truth together: is this workout worth your time or is it too good to be true?

The One and Done Workout Program

You’ll find that the One and Done Workout program is not your typical exercise routine. It’s designed to maximize your metabolism in just 7 minutes a day. Unlike traditional high intensity workouts that are usually all or nothing, this innovative method lets you gently move during rest periods, ensuring you stay flexible and reducing injury risk.

This workout hinges on Sprint Interval Training where you give everything for 20 seconds then recover before going again. Your total strenuous effort only lasts a minute out of the seven-minute routine. This unique approach activates metabolic multipliers, priming your body to burn fat intensely for up to 48 hours post-workout.

Another key aspect of the One and Done Workout program is its accessibility. It’s perfect if you’re easing back into fitness after some time off because you only do as much as your current fitness level allows. It breaks away from conventional forms of exercise by providing a balanced blend of challenge and recovery.

Try One and Done Risk-Free!

This online 14-day program replicates an in-person training experience with high-definition videos guiding you through each daily exercise combination. Once completed, you can restart the cycle to keep your metabolism fired up continually.

So while it may seem too good to be true, putting forth maximum effort for mere seconds can indeed result in significant health benefits over time. With flexibility at its core, the One and Done Workout Program molds itself around your abilities rather than forcing you into a one-size-fits-all regimen.

Scientific Support for Sprint Interval Training

It’s well-supported by scientific research, including that of the American Heart Association and the American Stroke Association, that sprint interval training can be a powerful tool for weight loss, heart strengthening, and endurance. This type of training has been endorsed by experts like Dr. Martin Gibala who asserts that one-minute workouts are not only smarter but more effective.

Here’s how sprint interval training benefits you:

  • Weight Loss: Sprint interval training pushes your body to its maximum potential in short bursts. This intensity:
  • Burns more calories during and after workout
  • Boosts metabolism which further aids in weight loss
  • Heart Strengthening: The high-intensity nature of these workouts conditions your cardiovascular system leading to:
  • Improved blood circulation
  • Lowered risk of cardiovascular diseases

Moreover, studies conducted at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology suggest exercises similar to ‘One and Done Workout’ significantly reduce the effects of arthritis on the body. It’s an exercise regime suitable for individuals at all fitness levels.

Time Magazine published an engaging study in April 2016 emphasizing how this training style is advantageous for everyone irrespective of their fitness level. So if you’re considering starting or changing up your workout routine, remember this: it’s never about how long you work out; it’s about how hard you push yourself during those active minutes.

Benefits of One And Done Workout

Incorporating this sprint interval training method into your daily routine can lead to impressive benefits such as enhanced endurance, improved sleep quality, stronger muscles, and boosted metabolism.

The One And Done Workout is designed to increase endurance, making simple tasks like walking or running easier for you. This 7-minute workout also aids in promoting sounder sleep. It’s scientifically proven that physical activity contributes significantly to better rest and rejuvenated mornings.

The muscle power gained from the One And Done Workout is particularly noticeable in your lower body — you’ll see a tighter butt and thigh muscles along with a stronger core. Research shows that sprint interval training effectively strengthens these areas. Additionally, this workout improves flexibility and range of motion by increasing oxygen flow to your muscles.

Another key benefit is an accelerated metabolism rate allowing your body to burn calories faster — a fact verified by the American College of Sports Medicine back in 2008. You’re likely to experience weight loss more rapidly due to metabolic multipliers activated during sprint interval training.

Last but certainly not least, undertaking the One And Done Workout can enhance your confidence in managing health and fitness matters. There’s nothing quite like feeling empowered by being able to make decisions about improving your health today while witnessing tangible results within a week or even less!

So why not give it a shot? After all, it’s just seven minutes out of your day for extraordinary benefits!

Try One and Done to See Your Own Results!

What Exactly Do You Get?

Let’s delve into what exactly is included when you purchase this exercise plan.

You’ll initially find a Quick Start Guide, your helpful roadmap to beginning the One & Done Workout process. This seven-page document lays out the effective exercises you’ll be doing and the results you can expect. It’s an easy way to track your progress throughout your fitness journey.

Next up is the 19-page Workout Manual crammed with detailed instructions about every aspect of the program including SIT exercises, routines, diet plans, and methods to monitor weight loss progression. Also included is a comprehensive workout calendar outlining each exercise’s function, so keep it safe!

One and Done Workout

Alongside these guides, a bonus Keto Reset provides insight on how to use keto for weight loss. Even if it isn’t part of the core program, due to popular demand it was added in for new purchasers like yourself.

The Progress Tracker acts as your personal fitness diary where you can record your starting weight, daily exercises performed, and ongoing improvements. This allows for easy sharing of accomplishments with others too.

You’ll also gain access to online videos working as virtual walkthroughs by the creator himself across all devices. These serve as a personal trainer guiding you towards better results.

On top of these resources provided is an intuitive member dashboard designed user-friendly with all options available at one tap without any confusion or hindrance on your fitness path.

Try the 7-Minute Workout Today!

Cost and Guarantee

You’re probably wondering about the price tag and guarantee for this comprehensive plan. The One And Done Workout is priced at just $37, designed to be affordable for everyone. Often, what we lack in our journey of self-improvement is a simple, predictable routine that we can adhere to consistently. This workout system was created with that exact thought in mind — a program anyone can do and everyone can afford.

If you’re feeling skeptical, that’s understandable. But consider Lisa’s experience; she too had her doubts until she started seeing results.

Here are some key points to remember:

  • The cost of the program is only $37.
  • It’s designed as an accessible routine for all fitness levels.
  • Skepticism is natural but remember Lisa who saw real changes.
  • The program comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee.
  • All the risk falls on us; if it doesn’t work for you, there’s no financial loss on your part.

This 7-minute workout plan offers a full refund within 60 days if you’re not satisfied, no questions asked. This means all the risk is on us to help you reach your goals; if it doesn’t work out for you — you don’t pay for it.

>> Try One and Done Workout Risk-Free <<


You’ve seen the potential benefits of the One and Done Workout program — its scientific support, impressive results, affordable cost, and solid guarantee.

It’s clear that this 7-minute workout has a lot to offer. If you’re eager for an effective, time-efficient exercise regimen, it might just be the ideal solution for you.

Dive in and experience the transformation yourself!

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