Sven SewitzThe Corona Virus outbreak is a prime example of the failure of information processing.An astounding picture is starting to reveal itself across the globe. While the virus, largely unchanged since it first started to infect…Apr 14, 2020Apr 14, 2020
Sven SewitzThe Pain of building BridgesOver the past days and weeks, post the EU referendum, many of the things that I anticipated would happen did actually come to pass. Leave…Dec 18, 2016Dec 18, 2016
Sven SewitzA reply to @robertefrostIn this Brexit debate, the thing which has been missing most is exactly this: a debate. In the spirit of keeping a healthy debate alive…Dec 17, 2016Dec 17, 2016
Sven SewitzThe Calculated Chaos that is Trumptl;dr: Trump is milking the chaos he creates by slight of hand and misdirection, and is effectively playing both the left and the right.Dec 3, 2016Dec 3, 2016